PSD loses two more votes before the motion. Carmen Dan is in isolation, Cătălin Rădulescu has bronchitis and is in hospital


PSD loses two more votes before the vote of no confidence. PSD Senator Carmen Dan announced in a message on Facebook that she will not participate in the vote because she is isolated after her mother was infected with coronavirus. Furthermore, the PSD deputy, Cătălin Rădulescu, has bronchitis and is hospitalized.

“After a tremendously hectic week, with worries and thoughts of all kinds related to my mother’s health, which during the last week was tested and then confirmed with the SARS-COV-2 virus, today is shaping up to be a sad day I remember, both personal and, above all, political.

I thus confirm the rumors according to which I will not be present today in the Romanian Parliament to vote with my colleagues on the motion of no confidence inagainst the Orban government. In any other condition, I don’t think I should assure anyone that I have been there. A broken hand or foot, a more or less common cold or any other problem would not have prevented me from reaching Parliament.

In other words, the same day my mother was confirmed, I was tested and the result is negative. I don’t have any symptoms of any kind, just that the law requires me to be in self-isolation, which I will respect! ”Carmen Dan wrote, on Facebook.

PSD deputy Cătălin Rădulescu confirmed to that he is hospitalized and will be absent from the vote. However, PSD sources claim that the Liberals contacted Rădulescu and promised him a spot on the lists if he did not attend the vote.

Another PSD parliamentarian who will be absent from Monday’s vote is Arad’s PSD deputy, Adrian Todor, who was quarantined for 14 days, being the contact of a person confirmed with coronavirus.

At this time, according to the latest calculations, with the absence of the two parliamentarians, the PSD and the other parties that support the motion do not have enough votes to remove the government. There are also questions about the quorum for the meeting.

Also read the voting program on the motion of no confidence. When does Ludovic Orban find out if he is still prime minister?

Editor: Robert Kiss
