Klaus Iohannis BRUTALLY intervenes and steps on the Constitution / ANALYSIS – News by sources


Less than 3 hours before the vote of no confidence, President Klaus Iohannis intervenes with extreme brutality in the political game and ignores any constitutional provision.

Klaus Iohannis sent out a press release in which he took the PSD approach from Parliament and clearly positioned himself on the side of a field, while the Constitution requires him to be impartial.

Article 80 (2) of the Constitution:

(2) The President of Romania will ensure the observance of the Constitution and the proper functioning of the public authorities. For this, the President exercises the function of mediation between the powers of the State, as well as between the State and society.

Klaus Iohannis behaves as if he is the de facto president of NLP and often violates the prime minister’s clothes. Once again, the Constitution tells you that you are not allowed to:

Article 84 (1) of the Constitution:
(1) During the mandate, the President of Romania cannot be a member of a party and cannot hold any other public or private office.

Klaus Iohannis had a loophole through which he could “cool down” the PSD, but he refused to take it into account. He preferred a press release, to the detriment of a message sent directly to Parliament.

Article 88 of the Constitution:

The President of Romania addresses messages to Parliament on the main political problems of the nation.

Here is the brutal intervention of Klaus Iohannis:

“In the most difficult period for Romania in the last 30 years, PSD fights not for the good and health of its citizens, but to seize power at any cost. The cynicism with which this party, totally broken by the interests of the Romanians, pursues its sole purpose of reapplying public resources clearly shows that the PSD is fundamentally corrupted by the desire for power and cannot reform, regardless of who leads it.

The filing of a vote of no confidence during this critical period for Romania’s future is a new toxic approach, which risks jeopardizing the effective fight against the COVID-19 epidemic. In fact, in these dramatic months for Romanians, in which citizens and authorities have made a common front to limit the spread of the coronavirus, the PSD has distinguished itself only by actions of permanent sabotage of this national effort.

It is even more irresponsible for the PSD to file a motion of no confidence, as this party has been in power in recent years and has indiscriminately wasted public money, leaving Romania completely unprepared for such a crisis. What are the criticisms of the Orban government? What managed, despite the disaster found in the state budget, to find resources to support as many economic and social categories as possible to overcome this critical period more easily? Or the fact that you took full responsibility for managing one of the worst medical crises, which had negative effects across the board?

The motion of censure against the current government, therefore, has no real basis. To depose him at a time when we only need political instability, just weeks before the parliamentary elections, is completely unreasonable.

I appeal to all parliamentarians, regardless of their party or political orientation: do not become complicit in such an irresponsible act! Political or electoral interest should in no way prevail over the national priority objective of protecting public health. I hope that the Romanian parliamentarians understand the seriousness of the moment our country is going through and do not join the PSD approach.

The motion of no confidence is a democratic tool, but the risk of overlapping a political crisis with an unprecedented health crisis is evidence of extreme cynicism and populism. The PSD did not have and does not have solutions for the Romanians, the PSD wants to throw the country into chaos only to win a few more potential votes in the perspective of the next elections ”.
