Rune horoscope for September 2020, with Mihai Voropchievici. Cancers fully relax, Scorpios get good news


RAM. Enter a period of more silence. He is more thoughtful, he is wiser. He surrounds himself with an aura of mystery: he becomes a more powerful, colder and more calculated person. She has a month in which it is very difficult to challenge a ram to discover what bothers her and what is in her soul.

Bull. They have a month in which they have to address all the issues, in a different way than they have done in the previous months. Mandatory, change tack if you want beneficial results.

the Twins. They think what would happen if September were a month of packing and wandering. It is a month of many trips, many roads, many things. And on vacation. It’s been a month on the road as well. Also on the highway, on the highway, on the highway.

Rac. You have a month in which you have two things to resolve. To completely relax and get the health problems of your loved ones out of your head, even if they haven’t seen them for a long time, to get rid of this illusion, because many times they are more taciturn and only think about the downside. So relax and get negative things out of your mind regarding the health of others.

Rune horoscope for September 2020, with Mihai Voropchievici. The balance enters the month of war

Leu. A poster that does not have much patience. You should not force the hand of luck, because pleasant and beneficial things are prepared only for those who know how to wait.

Virgin. He has a hard month, of tests, of tests. Part of the moon is hers. A lot of work, energy consumption. Take care of rest, nutrition and that work to dose it somewhere, because it is a much more challenging month.

Libra. It is the month of war, only battles. Little fights, little potholes, scandals, but think and do not act this way, that you will also win, but not necessarily with battles. Try talking to the moon.

Scorpion. Give joy. Large sums of money, gifts, good news. The sun begins to rise. Scorpio had periods of trial, expectation, and some failure.

Sagittarius. He is lucky par excellence all year round. It will strike and there will be a rapid qualitative leap in Sagittarius existence. The qualitative leap comes from all directions. Health, money, love, joy, fulfillment, happiness.

Capricorn. She has a long month to talk, little money. He will give advice, he will be a good advisor, but he is also obliged to listen and listen to those around him who communicate and speak to him and want to convey something to him. Often Capricorn to all third-party suggestions is a little deaf.

Aquarium. Fertility and abundance. May the Lord allow all Aquarius to unite in spirit, thought and good things, and transmit benefit to the land that fortunately the lion and Aquarius keep on its axis.

Fish. Give them love. Fiery and passionate love.
