Marko Bela, Budapest Press interview: Transylvania cannot return to Hungary, because most Romanians have been for a long time | News, News Romania | Freedom


“Transylvania cannot go back to Hungary, because Romanians have been the majority for a long time, and today twenty-something percent Hungarians and 71 percent Romanians live here. The situation is complicated by the fact that twenty-odd percent do not have a homogeneous distribution, because in eastern Transylvania, on the furthest part of the Hungarian border, in the two counties of Szeklerland the Hungarian population is concentrated, there we are present in seventy percent – eighty percent, in other places we are a minority or even a diaspora.

All of this in itself renders this continuing bitterness over the Transylvanian affiliation useless. Of course, another thing is that what is now is bad, and a specific administrative status must be created for Transylvania. We must fight for this status ”, says Marko Bela (68 years old), according to the translation published by G4media after the interview conducted by, the most popular news site in Hungary.

When we were children, we, in Szeklerland, where we had hardly met Romanians and of course we did not know much about history, we hoped that one day Transylvania would return to Hungary.

Marko Bela, former president of UDMR

In the long interview given to the Hungarian site, Marko does not hesitate to pay a true tribute to the Byzantine culture, often viewed with superiority by the Western one.

“It is a grave mistake, and we Hungarians have made it very often throughout our history, always paying a very high price for it, because we have despised the nations to the south and east of us and for the Balkans. that he saw his world as messy, confused, and operating in chaos. I’m afraid we have declared ourselves different to hide our general weakness. (…) So, in my opinion, let’s accept the following: Byzantine culture is as refined as Western culture, it just has a different logic ”, he says.

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And today we listen to something as a welcome and compare the Hungarian peoples of Transylvania with the Romanians, the difference screams. Alright, let’s compare them, there really are differences, but then, let’s compare them with the Saxon peoples in Romania and we realize that everything is relative.

Marko Bela, former president of UDMR

Hungarian influence in Brussels decreases and Romanian influence increases

The former deputy prime minister and president of the UDMR is concerned about the conflicts between the government of Orban Viktor (photo) and Brussels. This is while Bucharest’s influence in Brussels would increase.

Marko Bela, press interview in Budapest: Transylvania cannot return to Hungary, because Romanians have long been in the majority
photo: Hepta

“I am quite concerned that the relationship between the Romanian and Hungarian governments has been reduced to a minimum. And I am also concerned that while the influence of the Romanian government in Brussels is increasing, the influence of the Hungarian leadership in a continuing struggle with the Union is decreasing, “she says.

In thirty years, the UDMR has changed. And I changed, FIDESZ and Orbán Viktor also changed. They can do much more than us.

photo: Hepta

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