Tens of monks from Putna monastery were hospitalized in Suceava hospital with symptoms of COVID-19


COVID-19 arrived at the Putna monastery. On Thursday, May 14, 31 monks showed up at the Suceava County Hospital Emergency Reception Unit with symptoms of the disease. They were hospitalized, according to statements by manager Anatolii Buzdugan.

The manager of the Suceava Hospital stated that the outbreak of COVID-19 from the Putna Monastery is managed by the Suceava Public Health Directorate. The director of the institution, Manuela Trifan, told the local press that all the monks of the Putna Monastery were examined for SARS – CoV-2, after the death of a man who lived in the place of worship.

At the same time, a week ago, an infected monk, who had lung complications, was transported by helicopter from Suceava Hospital to the “Matei Balş” Institute in the Capital. After the information appeared in public space, the Putna Monastery sent out a press release explaining what measures it took to prevent disease.

More precisely, at the date of declaring the COVID-19 pandemic, hand sanitation areas were organized within the monastery and in all common spaces (church, refectory), with the necessary products for this (water, soap, disinfectants) . Since March 25 B.C., from 12:00, and until now, the Putna Monastery has entered a self-isolation regime.

“In order to avoid contamination with the new coronavirus, the access of the faithful to the monastery was restricted, in accordance with current legal provisions, and the trips abroad of the living were made only for the purpose of supplying food, limiting themselves to the maximum. People traveling outside the monastery take protective measures by wearing a mask and gloves and by subsequent decontamination. Since the declaration of the COVID-19 pandemic, people in the monastic community who complained of cold symptoms have been isolated in their homes , the monastery has adequate spaces, “is specified in the Putna Monastery statement.

There is a medical office within the monastery, staffed by the hierodeacon Sebastian (Cătălin Mircea), a family doctor by profession, and the monk Luca (Florin Alupoaei), a nurse by profession, who constantly monitors the health of the community.

After detecting monks with COVID-19 symptoms, the following announcement was posted on the monastery’s website: “The Holy Mass in commemoration of Holy Hierarch Iacob Putneanul on Friday, May 15 will take place without the participation of the faithful” .

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