Another television closed by CNA. After Realitatea TV, another station disappears: “Most of the programs are about conspiracies and the paranormal”


It is rare that a television license is not extended. In this case, the content of the television station so far mattered, but also the fact that current owner Olga Croitoru lied to CNA members about the content on television, she writes. Media page.

The conspiracies, the tarot programs, the announcements of miracle healing services or the unmarked announcements of medicines were just some aspects that convinced the forum to vote against the extension of the audiovisual license for 6 televisions owned by Olga Croitoru (the who took over the Seghei Mizil station, a few years ago).

The station must stop broadcasting on May 19, when the current license expires (obtained in 2011), the source said.

The decision was made unanimously by vote, after more than an hour of discussions, from all members present at today’s meeting, May 14.

“I think you lied to us and that you’re in bad faith. You can’t fool us. Did you tell us it’s a Pilates show, what Pilates is there?” CNA Director Monica Gubernat commented during the discussions that preceded the vote.

His statement was addressed to the two 6TV representatives present at CNA for the extension (Olga Croitoru – sole partner and Florentin Cornel Croitoru – administrator).

Before watching some excerpts from the shows on 6TV, its two representatives denied that there were any tarot shows or riddles on the show. After watching the respective programs, it turned out that things are different.

Advertisements for medicines, but also for “spirituality courses”.

The station had issued titles such as “Conspiracy Alchemy”, “Conspiracy Theory”, “Tourism, Spirituality, Self-Knowledge”, “Secret Powers”, “Kathartics” and “Mysteries of Life-Mysteries of Health”.

Forum member Dorina Rusu harshly criticized 6TV television shows:

“Probably because this TV hasn’t been monitored so far, it’s also the reason why it flies on the plains. Half of the shows, from what I’ve seen, are tarot, conspiracy, and paranormal. You can do shows about it, but limits are exceeded here. It’s a television niche in this field. A small audience doesn’t mean you can do anything. These shows can be framed to promote the occult, “said the CNA member.

In the decision not to extend the station’s license, the forum also considered programs that promoted medications and spirituality courses.

“Almost all the people who have a program on this television have businesses. For example, Ms. Dimitria Puchiu, who does the” Tourism, spirituality, self-knowledge “program, also talks about the camps she makes, money camps. There was also commercials in a doctor’s office that were on the show, another about a drug related to a gentleman on the set. These shows are used to advertise. It is a product for money that is advertised, “said Radu Herjeu.

6TV Story

6TV received an audiovisual license from CNA in 2011, being authorized in 2013. In 2015, the company that operates the license changed its shareholding structure. Olga Croitoru became the main partner (99.94%), while Constantin Sorinel Brebeanu and Serghei Niculescu-Mizil remained with a participation of 0.03%.

Subsequently, the two minority shareholders transferred the rest to Olga Croitoru herself.

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