Nelu Tătaru gives the big news: when the quarantine will be built in Suceava – News from sources


The Minister of Health told Realitatea Plus live that it is very possible that the quarantine in Suceava will be lifted in a very short time. Although there are still outbreaks in some medical units, INSP studies have shown that it is not necessary to maintain this measure in Suceava. Tataru says the quarantine will be kept only in units where there are Covid-19 outbreaks.

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“There is also the possibility that we will soon increase the quarantine in Suceava. The National Institute of Public Health has carried out an exhaustive study and if it decides that it is possible to increase the quarantine, we will also, probably very quickly. But we must not forget that we still have outbreaks in nursing homes and even medical personnel, so where there are outbreaks the restrictions will remain. But, I repeat, the INSP has the last word, when it decides it is appropriate we will lift the restrictions in Suceava, “he said. Nelu Tătaru.
