How lawmakers changed the rules for Alert / DOCUMENT – News by sources


The Legal Commission of the Chamber of Deputies on Wednesday presented amendments to the bill adopted by the Senate on the rules during the state of alert. The law is to enter the final vote in the plenary session of the Chamber of Deputies, after which it goes to the head of state for its promulgation and publication in the Official Gazette. One problem is the fact that a NLP amendment has been introduced that stipulates that the law takes effect from its publication in the Official Gazette, not within 3 days after its promulgation, as provided by the Constitution. Romania leaves the state of emergency on May 15 and must enter the state of alert.

Some of the provisions of the draft law modified by the Legal Commission of the Chamber of Deputies:

  • The government establishes the alert status by decision, at the proposal of the Interior Minister, and cannot exceed 30 days. The alert status can be extended, for good reasons, for a maximum of 30 days, by decision of the Government at the proposal of the Minister of the Interior.
  • Alertness is established throughout the country or only in the territory of some territorial administrative units, as the case may be.
  • When the alert is established in at least half of the country’s administrative-territorial units, the measure is subject to Parliament’s approval. Parliament decides in a joint session of the Chamber of Deputies and the Senate, within 5 days from the date of the request for approval. If Parliament rejects the request for approval, the alert will cease immediately.
  • Parliament can approve the measure taken by the Government in its entirety or with amendments.
  • During the alert, the consumption of food and alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages can be suspended in the common dining rooms of restaurants, hotels, motels, pensions, cafeterias or other public places, both inside and outside terraces. During the state of alert, the preparation of food and the sale of food and alcoholic beverages that are not consumed in the spaces mentioned in par. (1), except the terraces where sanitary protection measures are observed.
  • The validity of documents issued by public institutions and authorities, as well as by private entities authorized by law, is maintained throughout the state of alert, as well as for a period of 90 days from the end of this state.
  • During the alert period, public officials or contracted personnel may fill vacant or temporarily vacant positions within the Ministry of Health and subordinate, coordinated and under the authority of the Ministry of Health, including public executive and management positions, by appointment, free of charge. competition. The appointment is made by order of the Minister of Health and ceases by right within 30 days from the date of cessation of the state of alert.
  • In order to prevent contamination with the new SARS Cov-2 coronavirus and ensure the proper conduct of passenger transport for each type of land, underground, air or naval transport, restrictions and measures are established under this law, in accordance with the health protection measures.
  • During the state of alert, due to the serious breach of the powers of the service that may endanger people and the measures to prevent and combat the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, people with leadership positions within the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Health may be suspended. subordinate public health units, under the authority of the Ministry of Health
  • Public institutions and authorities can hire staff without competition, depending on the needs determined to prevent and combat the situation that generated the state of alert and exclusively for activities related to it, for a certain period, which cannot exceed 30 days from of the termination date. alertness

Variant adopted by the Legal Commission of the Chamber of Deputies are you here.

Also read: Parliament decided: local elections will be held no later than 6 months after the alert expires.
