“Let’s not be afraid. People over 65 years old …


Raed Arafat was questioned on Sunday night in Romania TV if the elderly will have to leave the house according to a well established schedule, after May 15, when the state of emergency increases.

“From what I know, from what has been discussed, no (no, they will no longer have a schedule). And here there will be a relaxation, but at the same time, the very serious warning I give is that it does not mean that they have become less vulnerable to Families must take great care to protect themselves, and they must understand that there is a greater risk for them than for the rest of the population, that is, you socialize a lot, you do not protect yourself, you do not mask yourself, you do not sanitize, children come to They often play, a kiss to the grandmother … it is very likely that the grandmother will be with Covid-19 soon.

That must be understood, we are not trying to scare the population. We are clear on the real situation, “said Raed Arafat.

Secretary of State Raed Arafat said Thursday that the Constitutional Court’s decision that the fines imposed in the state of emergency were unconstitutional created “a major problem” as there was no means for some to comply with the rules. Arafat explains that we could wake up if we relax too quickly, with a wave of illness and death that will make all the achievements so far to no avail. The DSU chief says that he cannot be, from his position, one of the people who can say that everything will be fine and cannot be optimistic.

“I do not discuss or comment on the decision itself, but it is normal to point out that the lack of tools to discourage those who do not want to follow the rules, in the midst of a battle in which compliance with the rules is a fundamental condition to avoid a health catastrophe. ” large-scale public, it becomes a big problem. In a situation where everyone is in which countries with highly advanced health systems have been greatly affected, it is normal to take all possible measures to protect the lives of citizens, but also of those who work in the intervention system and the health system, “he wrote on Facebook on Thursday about the CCR’s decision regarding fines applied during the state of emergency.

He stated that “no one can give an answer, at this time, to guarantee that such a thing cannot happen.”

“Therefore, it becomes necessary to gradually relax with rules and regular evaluations to prevent the situation from spiraling out of control. Therefore, out of respect for the majority who comply with the rules and do everything possible to protect themselves and we must also have the means by which we can take action against those who do not want to comply with the rules that endanger the lives of the majority. ” Afarat also wrote that he did not want to discuss possible abuse or dissatisfaction that could have been legally resolved.

“The fact that the virus appears innocent to most of those who become infected, leaving them with mild or even asymptomatic symptoms, does not change the fact that the virus is a killer causing complex and sometimes fatal diseases for part of the population that we are forced to kill. ” to protect. I hope that my publication clarifies my point of view being, in the position I am in, one of the people who are not allowed, under any circumstances, to be optimistic at the moment and say that everything will be fine, “he concluded. Arafat.

The Constitutional Court of Romania accepted the notification of the Ombudsman on Wednesday and decided that GEO 34/2020, which increased the number of sanctions applied during the state of emergency, is unconstitutional.

“With respect to government Emergency Ordinance No. 34/2020 to amend and supplement Government Emergency Ordinance No. 1/1999, the Court considers that it was adopted in violation of article 115, paragraph 6, of the Constitution , Considering that, through its normative content, it intended to restrict the exercise of some fundamental rights and freedoms (property rights, the right to work and social protection, the right to information, economic freedom) “, transmitted CCR.
