Coronavirus in Romania, May 11. 226 new cases, 982 people died


Coronavirus in Romania, LIVE UPDATE May 11. So far, 15,588 cases of people infected with the new coronavirus have been confirmed in Romania and 982 deaths have been recorded.

Coronavirus in Romania, LIVE UPDATE May 11

UPDATE 6:59 PM 10 new deaths announced

Death 973

Woman, 60, Botoșani County.

Confirmation date: 01.05.2020.
Date of death: 10.05.2020.
Comorbidities: chronic kidney failure.

Death 974

Male, 84 years old, Bacău county.

Confirmation date: 04.28.2020.
Date of death: 11.05.2020.
Comorbidities: dementia, upper gastrointestinal bleeding, chronic heart failure.

Deaths 975

74-year-old woman, Suceava County.

Confirmation date: 23.04.2020.
Date of death: 09.05.2020.
Comorbidities: hypertension, bilateral hip osteoarthritis, varicose disease with thrombophlebitis, and leg ulcers.

Death 976

Woman, 74 years, Galati County.

Confirmation date: 23.04.2020.
Date of death: 09.05.2020.
Comorbidities: hypertension, Alzheimer’s disease.

Death 977

Woman, 70 years old, Bistrița-Năsăud county.

Confirmation date: 04/21/2020.
Date of death: 11.05.2020.
Comorbidities: standard arterial hypertension II, type II diabetes, COPD.

Death 978

67-year-old woman, Brașov County.

Confirmation date: 23.04.2020.
Date of death: 10.05.2020.
Comorbidities: type II diabetes, chronic kidney failure, hypertension, obesity.

Death 979

Man, 71 years old, Brașov county.

Confirmation date: 09.04.2020.
Date of death: 11.05.2020.
Comorbidities: stenotic esophageal tumor, chronic kidney disease, obesity.

980 deaths

Woman, 61, Bucharest.

Confirmation date: 10.05.2020.
Date of death: 10.05.2020.
Comorbidities: vascular and parenchymal decompensated hepatic encephalopathy, renal failure.

Death 981

Female, 64, Neamț County.

Confirmation date: 09.05.2020.
Date of death: 08.05.2020.
Comorbidities: bronchopneumonia, atrial fibrillation, grade III hypertension, obesity.

Death 982

Female, 68, Neamț County.

Confirmation date: 07.05.2020.
Date of death: 11.05.2020.
Comorbidities: standard chronic kidney disease III, complicated diabetes mellitus, hemorrhagic stroke, vascular dementia, major BRS.

UPGRADE 13:00 The official balance of 13.00. 226 new cases

Until today, May 11, in Romanian territory, they were confirmed 15,588 cases of infected people with COVID-19 virus (coronavirus). Of the confirmed positive people, 7,245 were declared cured and graduated.

At the same time, so far, 972 people diagnosed with COVID-19 infection, hospitalized in Dolj, Bucharest, Iași, Suceava, Arad, Bacău, Timiș, Cluj, Neamț, Hunedoara, Constanța, Satu Mare, Sibiu, Ialomița, Bistrița- Năsăud, Covasna, Dâmbovița, Vrancea, Galați, Caraș-Severin, Mureș, Giurgiu, Bihor, Argeș, Vaslui, Botoșani, Alba, Sălaj, Brașov, Mehedinți, Teleorman, Gorj, Prahova, Vâlcea, Călramraș.

Since the last information sent by the Strategic Communication Group, others have been recorded. 226 new cases of disease.

The ATICurrently, 255 patients are hospitalized.

In the territory of Romania, 14,745 people are in institutionalized quarantine. Another 19,059 people are in solitary confinement at home and under medical supervision.

To date, at the national level, they have been prosecuted 262,219 tests.

In the last 24 hours, they were recorded 412 calls to the unique emergency number 112 and 815 to the TELVERDE line (0800 800 358), specially opened to inform citizens.

Through the empowered structures of the M.A.I. have been written up to now 559 criminal cases, under the aspect of committing the crime of frustrating the fight against diseases, writing provided and punished by art. 352 par. 1 Penal Code.

The police and gendarmes have detected, in the last 24 hours, 369 people who did not comply with the measure about traffic restrictions. These people were fined, in the amount of 355,550 lei.

The situation of Romanians in other states.

Regarding the situation of Romanian citizens in other states, according to information obtained by Romanian diplomatic missions and consular offices abroad, 2,758 Romanian citizens were confirmed to be infected with COVID-19 (coronavirus): 1,698 in Italy, 561 in Spain, 29 in France, 329 in Germany, 81 in the United Kingdom, 28 in the Netherlands, 2 in Namibia, 3 in the USA. USA, 4 in Austria, 3 in Belgium, 6 in Japan, 2 in Indonesia, 2 in Switzerland, 2 in Turkey and one in Argentina, Tunisia, Ireland, Luxembourg, the United Arab Emirates, Malta, Brazil and Sweden. Since the beginning of the epidemic of COVID-19 (coronavirus) and until now, 100 Romanian citizens abroad, 31 in Italy, 19 in France, 31 in Great Britain, 8 in Spain, 5 in Germany, 2 in Belgium, one in Sweden, one in Switzerland, one in the United States and one in Brazil, died.

Of the Romanian citizens confirmed with the new coronavirus, 21 were declared cured: 9 in Germany, 8 in France, 2 in Indonesia, one in Luxembourg and one in Tunisia.

number of confirmed cases, by counties, according to the report of the National Institute of Public Health:

1. Blanca 235
2. Arad 679
3. Argeş 179
4. Bacau 384
5. Bihar 485
6. Bistrita-Nasaud 266
7. Botoşani 593
8. Braşov 577
9. Braila 19
10. Buzau 66
11. Faces-Severin 109
12. Calarasi 63
13. Cluj 514
14. Take note 251
15. Covasna 221
16. Dambovite 148
17. Dolj 145
18. Galati 514
19. Giurgiu 201
20. Gorj 78
21. Harghita 24
22. Hunedoara 565
23. Ialomiţa 289
Iasi 24 311
25. Ilfov 375
26. Maramureş 71
27. Mehedinti 82
28. Mureş 602
29. Neamţ 760
30. Olt 53
31. York 76
32. Satu Mare 54
33. Salach 50
Sibiu 34 416
35. Suceava 3272
36. Teleorman 101
Timis 37 472
38. Tulcea 88
39. Vaslui 133
40. Valcea 26
41. Vrancea 462
42. Mun. București 1,519

UPGRADE 12:00 11 new deaths in Romania due to coronavirus

Death 962

Woman, 89 years old, Iași County.
Confirmation date: 04.05.2020.
Date of death: 10.05.2020.
Comorbidities: hypertension, chronic kidney disease.

Death 963

Woman, 60, Bihor County.

Confirmation date: 07.05.2020.
Date of death: 10.05.2020.
Comorbidities: unbalanced type II diabetes, morbid obesity.

Death 964

Woman, 72 years, Timiș county.

Confirmation date: 02.05.2020.
Date of death: 10.05.2020.
Comorbidities: HTA grd. III, NYHA II / III heart failure, right internal carotid artery stenosis, unbalanced non-insulin dependent type II diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis.

Deaths 965

Male, 49, Ialomița County.

Confirmation date: 04/21/2020.
Date of death: 10.05.2020.
Comorbidities: obesity.

Death 966

Female, 73 years old, Bacău county.

Confirmation date: 05.05.2020.
Date of death: 11.05.2020.
Comorbidities: decompensated cirrhosis of the liver, chronic liver failure, hypersplenism, esophageal varices, hepatic encephalopathy.

Death 967

Woman, 96 years old, Suceava county.

Confirmation date: 04/30/2020.
Date of death: 10.05.2020.
Comorbidities: chronic bronchitis, psychotic disorder.

Death 968

Man, 37 years old, Brașov county.

Confirmation date: 04.11.2020.
Date of death: 09.05.2020.
Comorbidities: sepsis, nonspecific flaccid paraplegia, pleurisy, pressure ulcers

Death 969

Woman, 72, Vrancea County.

Confirmation date: 04.27.2020.
Date of death: 10.05.2020.
Comorbidities: acute pulmonary edema, hypertension, mitral regurgitation, type II diabetes, lower limb obliterative artery disease.

970 deaths

Male 77 years old, Bucharest.

Confirmation date: 04/21/2020.
Date of death: 10.05.2020.
Comorbidities: Covid-19 bronchopneumonia, type II diabetes.

Death 971

Woman, 82, Vrancea County.

Confirmation date: 10.05.2020.
Date of death: 10.05.2020.
Comorbidities: cardiovascular disease IVS cl II, right pleurisy, ascites, type II diabetes, diarrhea syndrome.

Death 972

Man, 82 years old, Bucharest.

Confirmation date: 03.05.2020.
Date of death: 10.05.2020.
Comorbidities: decompensated cirrhosis of the liver.

Sunday’s assessment of the COVID-19 epidemic in Romania

Until Sunday, May 10, in Romanian territory, they were confirmed 15,362 cases of infected people with COVID-19 virus (coronavirus). Of the confirmed positive people, 7,051 were declared cured and discharged.

From Saturday to Sunday, others were recorded 231 new cases of disease.

The ATISo far, 242 patients are hospitalized.

In the territory of Romania, 14,399 people are in institutionalized quarantine. Another 19,887 people are in solitary confinement at home and under medical supervision.

The Minister of Health announces a national Covid-19 test. When will this start?

The Ministry of Health is preparing a national test to verify the immunization level of the population, but also the spread of the virus.

National tests would take place after June 1.

“In June (most likely) a study will begin in which people from all counties will be evaluated. The number of those examined will be different depending on the number of cases, the number of deaths, the number of ATI in each county. He wants an evaluation of the first wave of the pandemic, but also a preparation for what will follow in the fall (an estimate of the number of people who will get sick.) It will be done by the Ministry of Health through the INSP, respectively, the DSPs. from June, because then this first wave of diseases is expected to end “said Minister Nelu Tataru.

Relaxation measures, from May 15.

Meanwhile, Romania is preparing for great relaxation. After the end of the state of emergency, when the restrictions are no longer in place, we will be able to leave the houses, go to church, to the hairdresser or to the dentist.

However, there will be enough recommendations to protect us from the Covid 19 threat: from wearing protective masks indoors, to avoiding congestion or disinfection with alcohol-based antiseptics.

After May 15, when the state of emergency ceases and implicitly the restrictions imposed by military ordinances, we will have much more freedom of movement. Precisely because they await the agglomeration of urban areas, the National Institute of Public Health wants the relaxation to be carried out in accordance with the minimum protection recommendations in which the keywords continue to be the mask of protection and social distancing. Especially indoors.
