No country has been able to effectively protect its elderly, but only Swedes have apologized.


Dana Hering, a Romanian nurse based in Sweden, says the Swedish state had a problem preventing a large number of deaths among the elderly, because she acted a little late in the case of nursing homes. On the other hand, in all countries, the proportion of deaths caused by Covid is high among the elderly, sometimes for the same reason, and yet no one has apologized, as did the Swedish Minister of Health. Dana Hering disputes the view that Sweden had a different approach to the pandemic because it wanted to protect its economy. The Swedish economy is also affected, said the Romanian.

“It may seem a bit shocking to Romania, but it is a fairly common course of action for the Swedish administration, which always keeps in touch with its citizens not only in terms of the instructions they have to give, but here, in this case, and communication of an apparent failure, as seen today. The Swedes have publicly apologized for not effectively protecting their elderly, people living in nursing homes. Looking at the image of the world, no one has been able to effectively protect their elderly, but the truth is that only Swedes have publicly apologized for it, “said Dana Hering.

“In all the other European countries facing the Covid pandemic, the percentage of deaths among the age group of older people is, unfortunately, very high. The percentage of deaths among the elderly infected with Covid is older than 75 years. In our country, there are currently 3,220 deaths in Sweden, out of a total of 30,000 people infected with the virus and with a positive result. More than half are older people, over 75 years old, and many of them really come from nursing homes, where the provision of materials and the adoption of various protection measures have been delayed, “explained Dana Hering on Digi24.

The Swedes seem to agree with the measures taken.

Despite the perception that Sweden had a more relaxed approach to the health crisis, restrictive measures have been taken since March 12. The homes of the elderly were relatively closed at the time. “The problem was, almost like everywhere else, access for staff in nursing homes and a problem of material supply. It has been delayed and I think the Swedish Minister of Health is referring to these two problems. All these measures for the protection of nursing homes they had to be taken a little faster and probably would have been a little more effective, “says the Romanian based in Sweden.

“On this issue, the protection of nursing homes, both the press and citizens reported in advance and was extensively discussed and forced the administration to take more effective measures.” As soon as the deaths in the homes of older people and the large number of them were found, there was a very harsh reaction from society, which pointed to those dealing with administrative and public hygiene measures, a pressure that led to finally equip the houses with materials, “said Dana Hering.

The world is fairly calm in Sweden, and citizens seem to agree with the measures taken. In Sweden, the same social behavior continues. Schools are open, kindergartens are open, instead they operate as much as possible from home.

Sweden’s economy is affected

“Sweden is said to have protected its economy. This is not true at all. Like other countries during this pandemic, the economy is interconnected. Banks, finance, it is about globalization. Sweden has no agriculture. And here almost all companies have been affected by the crisis, many people have lost their jobs, many people have reduced their activity, we cannot speak in any way about protecting the economy in these conditions, because the entire chain of import-export, transport, aviation, tourism industry, which completely collapsed. These are all elements that do not make me believe that Sweden had protected something in particular, “said Dana Hering.

The Romanian says that it is premature for one state or another to be judged on how it acted, because the pandemic is not yet over.

The Swedes “only took a different approach and it seems premature to speak of failure or success in the case of the Covid pandemic after just three months, since we still don’t know what will happen next: New waves will follow, we don’t have a vaccine, the immunity is long or short-lived, it is not known what will happen when countries exit the closure. There are many unknown data, which makes me reserved when affirming that the strategy of one country or another is a failure or a success, “said the Romanian.

The death curve has been locked for three weeks.

“In hospitals, the situation seems a little easier. I looked at the statistics on the number of beds occupied in ATI. Where at some point their number has almost tripled, the occupancy rate has reached half, which means that There are fewer serious cases. There are fewer deaths. In this sense, our curve has stagnated at approximately 100 deaths per day, on average, for approximately three weeks. They are still working on continuous and very hard fire in hospitals. At the same time, A massive test by hospital staff has started. We are all being tested with RT-PCR for the crown and antibody tests, which seem to be much more important in determining the immunization of the population in these conditions. We also went to the criteria, in the sense that the already immunized personnel will take care of the Covid patients, “explained the Romanian nurse.

Also read: Sweden: The infection rate with the new coronavirus has reached less than 1. What does this result mean?

Editor: Luana Păvălucă
