Viorel Buckle has symptoms of coronavirus. “I hope nothing happens”


Ciprian Iana,

“I have certain symptoms, I hope nothing happens. My temperature has risen, I have some pressure in my chest, my nose is blocked. I do not have the same symptoms as two days ago, I think. I firmly believe that I will overcome, this virus will enter me and it will come out as it came in. I am a healthy man, “Viorel Cataramă said on Antena 3.

He said he will be tested for coronavirus in two weeks and hopes that the next few days will be decisive for his health.

“I did not have the test. I will do it in two weeks. I think the next three or four days will be decisive in terms of my health,” the businessman also specified.

Regarding the gesture of going to Bărbulești, Viorel Cataramă specified: “I went there to demonstrate that nothing will happen to me.”

After this gesture, the businessman was accused of a criminal case, but also of the symptoms of the Covid-19 virus.

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