Outbreaks of COVID-19 infection in two hospitals in Iasi: dozens of infected people


The Parhon Institute in Iași is the only medical unit in the country where kidney transplantation is currently performed. Here, 11 doctors and nurses have coronaviruses. The Nephrology Department no longer receives patients.

“Disinfection, cleaning is carried out, first of all, in the Nephrology Department and in the coordinated spaces. We ensure epidemiological triage for the personnel who will enter the activity and the patients who will be hospitalized. The training of medical personnel, to the use, protective equipment and dismantling of protective equipment, to ensure that these rules are understood and followed by all staff, “said Dr. Ionut Nistor, primary care physician in the Department of Nephrology at IC Parhon Hospital.

At Parhon Hospital in Iasi, 10 SARS CoV2 patients are on dialysis. Furthermore, 8 patients admitted to the Nephrology department were positively confirmed.

After identification of the tests and direct contacts, the epidemiological investigation at Parhon Hospital in Iasi showed that 11 members of the medical staff were confirmed with the new coronavirus: 7 members of the staff of the Department of Nephrology, two members of the Department of Dialysis and two medical personnel from the Intensive Care Unit, “says Marius Voicescu, spokesman for DSP Iasi.

Also at the Sfântul Spiridon County Hospital, 9 nurses from the Orthopedic department were positively confirmed. Another 6 patients, from the same room, have coronavirus. Since the start of the pandemic, more than 400 Iași people have been hospitalized at the Hospital for Infectious Diseases, and half of them are already cured.

“We calculate that we have 52% of the patients cured, a percentage well above the national average, which is 33.3%. In the management of patients, at the Hospital for Infectious Diseases we follow the therapeutic protocol at the level of the Ministry of Health At the same time, we think, from patient to patient, according to the associated pathology, according to the medication that these patients already had, as a result of chronic and adapted diseases, for each therapy of the patient and, here, we arrived at a percentage of patients cured value very well, “said Professor Dra. Carmen Dorobăț, manager of Iași Hospital for Infectious Diseases.

Most of the patients were brought from Suceava, Botoșani and Neamț counties. But protective measures must be followed, says the manager of the medical unit.

Every day, more than 500 tests are carried out in Iasi, to detect infection with the new coronavirus.
