We could have a new section of road this summer. What’s going on with the one in Moldova?


Prime Minister Ludovic Orban said on Saturday that the Iernut – Cheţani section of the Transilvania highway will be completed no later than July 1.

“With regard to the sections on the Transilvania highway, the first section is Târgu Mureş – Ungheni for which the winner is already designated and the contract must be signed. As for the other two sections that are under construction, the section up to Cheţani (…) will be completed no later than July 1.

Regarding Cheţani – Câmpia Turzii (…) things move much more slowly there and we are going to do an analysis, the physical condition is only 35% and in a month the company and the Ministry of Transport must make a decision . We have the ability to end the contract with this consortium or to resume the tender procedures, “said Orban, in Târgu Mureş.

What about the “Union Highway”?

He noted that with regard to the Unirii highway, the feasibility study review is ongoing in the Târgu Mureş – Târgu Neamţ section, indicating that this is the most difficult section because it crosses the mountains.

“The objective is for the Government to approve the technical-economic indicators by the end of this year and next year to sign the contract as soon as possible, immediately after January 1, to start the tender to designate the company to build this section of the Union highway For the other two The specificity for the other two sections, Târgu Neamţ – Iaşi and Iaşi – Ungheni, is that the tender will be carried out for the feasibility study and the technical project, so that the next tender be directly for its execution, “he said. Premier.

The Sighisoara belt, made with EBRD money

Ludovic Orban mentioned that an EBRD loan is being contracted for road infrastructure projects, and immediately after his contract, the Sighisoara belt for which the documentation exists and the technical project will be introduced for financing.

“With regard to the railway infrastructure part in the Caţa – Sighişoara section, the contract has been signed and the order to start works will be given next week, no later than July 1, and with respect to the Sighişoara section – Aţel is nearing completion and our goal is to complete and receive this section by the end of this year, “he added.

The Prime Minister recalled that regarding the Târgu Mureş belt, the contract was terminated and that they are currently working on the tender documentation for the completion of the work.

“Our goal is to launch the tender before June 15 for the remaining works, so that before September 1 we have a company to resume work,” said Ludovic Orban.

Ludovic Orban, along with President Klaus Iohannis and Minister of Health Nelu Tătaru, visited the COVID-19 medical support unit in Târgu Mureş on Saturday.
