The CCR’s decision on fines affects the entire country. In alert state, we will have sanction methods


“It does not affect me, it affects all of Romania, because the decision of the Constitutional Court is a time when the state or those who protect the health of the population no longer have coercive tools to take measures against those who break the rules and endanger public health. ” , I repeat, we analyze this situation very quickly and we will certainly have in the perspective of alert methods by which those who make some reprehensible and questionable gestures, break the rules or endanger the lives of their loved ones, to be sanctioned in a one way or another “According to the law,” Marcel Vela told a television station.

When asked if, after the CCR decision, fines had been imposed, Vela replied: “Several warnings were given, without fines for the provisions of the military ordinances; obviously, sufficient fines were granted in other matters related to the provisions. of the Penal Code or the Highway Code. “

We remind you that, on Wednesday, CCR accepted the notification of the Ombudsman on the provisions of art. 28 of GEO 1/1999, which established the fines for non-compliance with the restrictions during the state of emergency, establishing that they lack clarity, precision and predictability, and establishing the facts whose commission constitutes an infraction is arbitrarily left to the police’s free appreciation.
