9 out of 10 contacts of one of the patients infected in Romania with the new variant of the coronavirus are positive. 4 jobs in a school


Nine out of 10 people tested (contacts of one of the patients confirmed Friday with the variant of the mutant coronavirus) tested positive in RT-PCR. The National Center for the Control and Surveillance of Communicable Diseases (CNSCBT) transmitted to the Ministry of Health the results of the epidemiological investigation in the case of one of the patients detected with the new SARS-CoV-2 strain.

After two Bucharest residents were confirmed to be infected with the super-infectious version of the virus on Friday, authorities conducted an epidemiological investigation and found that 9 of the 10 contacts of one of the two are also infected. Furthermore, an outbreak of infection with the new strain SARS-CoV-2, discovered in Britain, could be evolving at a school in Bucharest. This is because one of the two patients works at this school in Bucharest, and within the educational unit four people with SARS-CoV-2 infection were confirmed (one case confirmed on 01.14.2021 and three cases on 01.18.2021 ).

On 22.01.2021, 10 people were tested in “Matei Balş” (4 confirmed and 6 from their direct contacts). Of the 10 people tested, 9 tested positive for RT-PCR, the Health Ministry said in a statement.

DSP is now awaiting the results of genomic sequencing to confirm with certainty if this is the new variant of the coronavirus.

Authorities also say that none of the people found to be infected, including the 4 school employees in Bucharest, recently traveled abroad. Therefore, it would be a community transmission of the new strain.

The school has been closed and general disinfection will take place on Monday, including a nebulization. People who are positive, as well as their contacts, will remain isolated.

This evolution occurs in the conditions in which, on Monday, part of the restrictions in the Capital will be lifted, with the reopening of 30 percent of the restaurants, cafes, show rooms and game rooms to capacity. In addition, on February 8, the reopening of schools is expected, in Bucharest possible only for young schoolchildren and students of the final grades, who must take national exams.

The authorities emphasize the importance of observing preventive measures: correctly use a protective mask, avoid congested areas, physical distance and hand hygiene, perform COVID-19 tests and report positive to people with symptoms (fever, dry cough, fatigue, myalgia ).

So far, 3 cases have been confirmed with the new coronavirus strain in Romania, and for 9 patients, therefore, the results of genomic sequencing are awaited.

Editor: Luana Pavaluca
