5G technology. Is the price of phone subscriptions increasing? Sabin Sărmaș, answer for ALL Romanians


Sabin Sărmaș, president of the Romanian Digitization Authority, was asked if the implementation of the bill related to 5G technology would bring higher costs, which would also be paid by taxpayers, in the sense that phone subscriptions will increase , for example.

“I’m telling you why I don’t think it’s a risk. Today, in Romania, we have several players in the area that offer 4G, 3G, etc. services, telecommunications services in general. Each one uses technologies from certain providers to a greater or lesser extent. measure, either in the access network or in the core of telecommunications networks. Those in a position to change their equipment can do so in five years, a period in which they will change these equipment anyway because they wear out. There will be an impact If an operator does not use a significant proportion of equipment from a technology provider that will not be approved, the impact will be practically nil, since it will probably continue to use, from interoperability, equipment from a provider with which it already has a contractual relationship, ”explained Sabin Sărmaș, president of the Romanian Digitization Authority, in an interview with DCNews.

“It is natural that some operators think that in the future they do not know … a technology provider that comes with lower prices may not receive a warning or could receive it, but this is a question that we cannot answer today.

But, as there is this diversity of offerings in Romania, a lot of service providers, I think this problem is false. Romanians do not have to worry in any way about having to pay for data services, for example, more expensive“Said Sabin Sărmaș.

Sabin Sărmaș spoke, in DC News, about the impact of this legislative project on the economy and the business environment, about what this bill entails, the need to implement the 5G network in our country as soon as possible, public consultations, legislation European and much more information. Essentials on 5G Deployment in Romania. The full interview, HERE:
