50% lower construction taxes. It’s official: Iohannis signed the law!


President Klaus Iohannis promulgated, on Wednesday, the normative act to amend Law No. 227/2015 on the Tax Code.

In accordance with the law, taxes on real estate owned by natural and legal persons used for the provision of tourist services, for a maximum of 180 consecutive or accumulated days, during a calendar year, will be reduced by 50%.

The reduction is applied in the fiscal year following the one in which this condition is met. The same provisions are established for the tax on land owned by natural and legal persons that are used for the provision of tourist services.

“This law comes into effect on January 1, 2021”, establishes the law that was initiated by PSD senator Eugen Dogaru.

The regulatory act aims to regulate the modification of the Tax Code in order to eliminate ambiguities regarding the interpretation of the establishment of exemptions for buildings and land intended for the provision of tourist services.

The changes brought in support of those who, due to the nature of the activity, collect income only for a limited period of time, writes Agerpres.

Bill that eliminates sex education from schools

The project was returned to Parliament by President Klaus Iohannis for reconsideration.

The initiative of President Klaus Iohannis arises as a result of the decision of the Constitutional Court of September, which established that the provisions of this normative act do not violate the Constitution.

The head of state notified the RCC on this matter, considering that this law violates the principles of the fundamental law. As a result, the president went to Parliament and sent the law for reconsideration, asking for some controversial issues to be amended.

By introducing the phrase “education for life, including education for health”, the text of the law departs from the principle of “promotion of education for health” provided for in art. 3 lit. r) of Law no. 1/2011. Practically, regulated in this way, health education programs stand out only through health education, thus eliminating or simplifying the sexual health education component by exclusively transmitting information on personal hygiene ”, is shown in the application . referred by the President to Parliament.
