5 situations that cause bleeding gums


There are different reasons why the gums can become sensitive and bleed during brushing, but some are temporary and can be treated more easily, but there are also situations where treatments are more complex and lasting. In any case, it is advisable to consult a specialist when these symptoms appear.


Gingivitis is the first stage of gum disease. Plaque on teeth and gums that is not removed by professional decalcification can infect its surface and cause symptoms of gingivitis.

“When gingivitis occurs, the gums can swell, break, and sometimes bleed while brushing or flossing.” This early stage of the disease can only be alleviated by proper dental hygiene, the use of a soft toothbrush and special toothpaste, “explains Dr. Remus Stratulat, dental esthetician at Dental One.


Studies show that blood thinners can cause bleeding gums. These medications decrease the blood’s clotting ability, which can lead to easier bleeding. Therefore, the gums become increasingly sensitive and, at the least contact, they will bleed.

A new routine for flossing

Changing your dental routine can also cause bleeding from the gums. For example, if you are on vacation and often forget to take care of your teeth, you will notice gingival bleeding and changes due to this change. This should be fixed within a week if you return to your previous routine.

“It is good to avoid such situations because it can sensitize your gums, and this will promote the development of diseases that can affect your oral health. Be sure to brush your teeth at least twice a day and floss,” says Dr. Remus Stratulat .

Change the toothbrush

Going from a soft toothbrush to a firm toothbrush can also cause bleeding of the gums. Don’t make a sudden change, try using a soft or medium brush and talk to your dentist about which toothbrush is appropriate, depending on your oral health. And, each doctor can give you details on the use of electric toothbrushes.

Gingivitis of pregnancy

Some pregnant women have swollen gums and bleeding during brushing. This problem is known as gingivitis of pregnancy. Hormonal changes during pregnancy alter the body’s response to the bacteria that cause gum disease.

According to studies, symptoms should improve after pregnancy. A regular dental checkup, brushing, and flossing can help prevent gum damage during this period.

Treatment and prevention

Gum bleeding can be a sign of gingivitis, which can get worse and be much more difficult to treat. The best way to find out what causes gum bleeding is to go to the dentist right away to prevent and treat dental and gum problems appropriately.

“To prevent gum disease, it is important to carry out a dental checkup at least once a year, and the specialist will carry out preventive treatments such as decalcification, professional brushing and other procedures that eliminate bacterial plaque and protect teeth from possible diseases. Therefore, the risk of developing problems in the oral cavity is much lower. “ says the specialist.
