46 new cases of measles, registered in …


Between November 20 and 24, another 46 measles cases were reported in seven counties.

Most, 12 respectively, were recorded in Bucharest, nine in Brasov, seven in Calarasi, Ialomita and Mures and two in Bacau and Galati.

The total number of confirmed measles cases in Romania is 9,946, of which 36 deaths.

Most of the cases, respectively, 9,538, occurred in people who were not vaccinated even with a dose of vaccine. 3,720 of these patients come from the 1.4 year age group. Measles has also occurred in children under one year of age, with 1,897 cases.

According to news.ro, there were measles cases in 41 counties, with Tulcea being the only county with no cases. More than 1,000 cases were recorded in Timiş, Arad and Caraş-Severin counties.

Measles is an infectious disease that often leads to complications. Of four people who get measles, one needs hospitalization, and for 1 in 1,000 measles patients, the disease is fatal. The measles (measles) vaccine protects children against this disease.

In Romania, 9 out of 10 parents vaccinate their children.
