3,000 people were quarantined in Buzau due to people who opposed the Covid-19 tests


According to Buzău prefecture, on May 3, a 30-year-old man from the village of Râmnicelu, Râmnicelu commune, was positively confirmed with an infection with the new Coronavirus, in Focşani, where he presented for medical research.

The patient was hospitalized at the Râmnicu Sărat Municipal Hospital. The epidemiological investigation initiated identified a number of six contacts, all from the same family. They were tested on May 5 and confirmed positive on May 7.

“The patients were hospitalized at the Râmnicu Sărat Municipal Hospital. The epidemiological investigation continued to establish all contacts. Determined by the existence of a family outbreak consisting of seven members, it was considered necessary to intervene and detect all contacts clinically and with laboratory tests. susceptible direct, collecting evidence and establishing relational degrees “, specify the officials of the Prefecture of the county of Buzau.

Specialists from the Buzău Public Health Directorate went to the village of Râmnicelu on 7 May to collect evidence and guarantee hospitalization for the six people who tested positive on the same date.

“We specify the fact that the support of the security forces, as well as the local authorities, was requested. Regarding the evidence of the contacts of the seven people, the action of the DSP met with categorical resistance from the interested parties. All The media, which focused on the idea of ​​dialogue with the representatives of the local community and with the contacts that had to be tested, resulted in the categorical rejection of those interested, after the debates held on May 8, 2020 , at the level of the prefect’s institution, with all the representatives of the institutions involved in this action, a second attempt was decided with the same purpose, and this time, the villagers rejected any decision related to biological research or isolation in the home “, according to the mentioned source.

Given the lack of any form of cooperation from the population in this town, the impossibility of conducting any form of epidemiological investigation in the area, as well as the permanent intersection of all members of the community, DSP evaluated the most serious epidemiological risk, for which he proposed the quarantine measure for the town of Râmnicelu, which begins on May 9, 2020, during the state of emergency.

“In light of DSP Buzău’s proposal, Buzău County Prefect, Leonard Dimian, convened tonight at the Buzău County Intervention Coordination and Management Center (CJCCI) to take all necessary measures in this situation The proposal was debated and accepted by CJCCI members This proposal was subsequently forwarded to the National Center for Intervention Coordination and Management Prefect Prefect Leonard Dimian convened a meeting of the Buzău County Committee for Emergency Situations, during which a draft decision was adopted that includes measures to prevent the spread of COVID-19 in the quarantined area, “the source quoted shows.

In the city of Buzau, a neighborhood was quarantined after 19 people were infected with COVID-19.

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