3 reasons to eat boiled corn


Corn is found in various forms, its grains are processed to obtain corn, syrup, oil and tortilla chips.

Did you know …

… common corn contains 73% water and is gluten-free?

Rich in nutrients

If you eat it just because you like the taste, discover that corn is rich in insoluble fiber (it regulates intestinal transit and accelerates the elimination of toxins and carcinogens from the body): hemicellulose, cellulose and lignin. This food also contains carotenoids, minerals (magnesium, phosphorous, zinc, copper), carbohydrates, proteins (zeins). Corn also contains few calories and sugars, Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids. Sweet corn is a beneficial source of B3, B5, B6, which helps you have the necessary energy dose for the whole day. Since corn contains a large amount of water and is low in calories, they are also recommended as food to combat extra pounds.

Improves vision

Eating boiled corn helps with eye health. Due to its compounds rich in carotenoids, zeaxanthin and lutein, corn is a true ally for the eyes. Scientists associate increased levels of carotenoids in the blood with reduced risk of cataracts and macular degeneration (the retina begins to deteriorate and can no longer properly capture images from the environment), notes Authoritynutrition.com.

Natural source for a long and healthy life.

Instead of eating processed foods, filled with E, it is better to go back to the food of the local farmers. So eat whole grains (for example, corn), seasonal fruits and vegetables. Eliminate high-calorie foods, sugar, white flour, preserves, saturated fats, fatty meats, and carbonated beverages from your daily diet. This will avoid the risk of obesity, hypertension, cardiovascular disease, diabetes and cancer. Choose to live healthy by eating low calorie but nutrient dense foods. Do not forget about hydration (corn contains a lot of water), rest and exercise daily according to your age.

Good to Know!

Do not eat boiled corn in combination with butter or cream cheese because you can gain weight. Instead, you can mix it with other foods like lettuce, beans or peas, peas, chickpeas, or lentils. Do not put too much salt on the boiled or baked corn because you risk, due to the excess of this mineral, to retain water in the body.

Find out which foods prevent heart attack HERE
