2020 US Elections What do the final poll results show the day before the presidential election: Trump or Biden? – US Elections 2020


There is one day left until the US elections and the final polls for the presidential race appear, writes Business Insider.

Real Clar Politics has averaged several polls nationwide, citing Democratic candidate Joe Biden ahead of Republican President Donald Trump at 7.2 percent. Biden is trading with 51.1% of the voting options and Trump with 43.9%.

The final NBC / Wall Street Journal poll shows Biden ahead of Trump nationally at 52% versus 42%. Some key facts from the NBC / WSJ survey:

  • Trump has a 45% approval rating for jobs, while 52% of those surveyed expressed dissatisfaction with the way the Republican president handled this area.
  • More broadly, however, voters support the Trump administration’s economic performance at 55% versus 41% against, but rate it low in terms of handling the COVID-19 pandemic: 40% approve while 57% do not
  • Trump leads among white voters with a relatively low margin of 6 percent (51% -45%). In 2016, this demographic group won by 20 percent (57% -37%)
  • Biden is preferred by African American voters (87% intend to vote with the Democratic candidate and only 5% with Trump), the elderly (58% -35%), women (57% -37%) and the independent (51-36%)
  • an NBC / WSJ poll with Spanish-language television Telemundo shows that Biden is the favorite candidate of Hispanic / Latino voters, being preferred by 62% of these voters compared to 29% who intend to vote with Trump

The New York Times released its Siena College poll Sunday on changing states: Biden has a 6-point lead over Trump in Arizona and Pennsylvania (49% -43%) and 3% in Florida (47% -44%).

In Wisconsin, Joe Biden has a double digit lead (+ 11%).

Trump won all four states in 2016, crucial in his victory over Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton.

Biden will try to rebuild the “blue wall” of the states that voted for each Democratic candidate in the 1992-2012 presidential elections, making Wisconsin and Pennsylvania crucial for the former vice president.

What do other state polls show for the two candidates?

  • Trump won Florida in 2016 with a 1.2% advance and this year’s race looks just as tight. The final ABC News / Washington Post poll, considered one of the most reliable, shows the Trump / Pence team ahead with 50%, while Biden / Harris trades with 48% of the vote.
  • The ABC / Washington Post poll shows that Biden is preferred by 51% of Pennsylvania voters, compared to 44% who choose Trump. But despite Biden’s leadership, Pennsylvania voters prefer 49% to 43% to run the economy.
  • Biden has a seven percent lead in Michigan (48-41%) in the latest EPIC-MRA poll conducted for the Detroit Free Press.
  • Emerson College published 3 surveys conducted in the US Midwest states (Midwest), Biden is ahead in Michigan (52% -45%) and Ohio (49% -48%), while Trump has a advance in Iowa (47-46%).
  • Des Moines Register / Selzer & Co. poll released Saturday night, however, shows Trump’s advance in Iowa would be 7%. Selzer & Co. has long been considered the benchmark for polls in Iowa, but others show a return of Biden to the state in recent weeks.
  • Emerson College also released two polls showing Biden slightly ahead in Nevada (49% -47%) and Arizona (48% -46%).

Nevada has always been part of Biden’s calculation to win the White House, but he also wants to win Arizona, a state that has not been won by a Democratic presidential candidate since 1996.

Trump also wants to keep the 11 votes of Arizona voters to make up for a possible loss in Wisconsin, a state with 10 votes at the American Electoral College.

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