2020 US Elections: Three Possible Scenarios for the Trump-Biden Battle Result – 2020 US Elections


There are three plausible scenarios for the outcome of Tuesday’s presidential election in an American society more divided than ever between Republican Donald Trump and Democrat Joe Biden, indeed between two ways of relating to the new realities facing the United States and the world. , usually.

They all seem equally possible, writes the BBC News correspondent.

1. Biden wins with some ease: the opinion polls turn out to be correct and the Democrat obtains a comfortable victory.

2. Shocking victory for Trump: As in 2016, the polls are wrong and President Donald Trump gets a second term. The votes of Pennsylvania and Florida are key to the success of the current White House leader.

3. Crushing Victory for Biden – This is the scenario where Biden not only wins, but gets a victory with a high score. Like when Ronald Reagan was victorious over Jimmy Carter in 1980. Or George HW Bush over Michael Dukakis in 1988.

We can still talk about an outcome, even if it doesn’t seem plausible at this point: due to the way Nebraska divides its votes among its peers, it is possible, in theory, to look for the magic number of 270 votes in electoral districts (which ensures the presidency) to have 269 for Biden and 269 for Trump, that is, parity.

This has never happened before in the history of the American elections. However, it is not impossible if we think that we are talking about the dramatic year 2020, says BBC News.
