2020-2021 school year. A 12th grader tells what the situation is like in schools: LIE!


The pandemic school is a challenge for both teachers and students. A 12th grader sent a message to the editorial office for “all the people” who made decisions related to the 2020-2021 school year.

“In the hope that this message will be read and taken into account, I am writing to all the people who contributed to the decision of how to start the new school year. I am a 12th grade student at a famous high school in the city of Ploiești, and I want to express in this way my deep disappointment with the decision-making ability and “logic” used by lawyers. Being a student, I can say that I am able to comment on the situation of grades 8 and 12, classes forced to go to school physically during all these months, with an uncertain future. Also, the growing lie about safety and distance keeping in classrooms of 30 people, slightly smaller than wedding invitations, is another reason I am addressing you.

An example of this is the situation in my class.

If two days ago we were informed that the distance cannot be assured, today (not Thursday), as if by a miracle, we are safe at school 30 people in the same classroom, the saving element being the so-called plexiglass panels, joined by benches and ensuring only a certain distance between the bank mates, not to mention that we all breathe the same air in a room smaller than a restaurant, where the distance from the benches is mandatory at 2m for such a large number of people “, wrote the student in message sent to DCNEWS.

“Inadmissible is the lack of consideration for the health of students in the last year, who face numerous exams and cannot afford to get sick,” concluded the teenager.
