20,000 young people received permission without taking the practical test of the car test


Nearly 20,000 teens in Georgia did not have to take the car test, reports CNN.

The measure was decided by state authorities after the number of requests for the test was very high and the assessment could not be supported due to the coronavirus pandemic.

The Department of Driver Services announced that 19,493 youth have been licensed since they abandoned testing.

Georgia is not the only state that has taken that step. Wisconsin has announced it will do the same for 16- and 17-year-olds starting Monday.

Wisconsin officials say that of the 16,000 pending test requests, 10,000 will be eligible for the unproven license.

Both states have special measures that must be followed to obtain permission in this way. One of them is the requirement to have spent at least 40 hours supervised in Georgia, respectively 30 hours with parents or an instructor in Wisconsin.

However, the decision to update or issue new permits without a practical exam is considered very dangerous by many Americans.

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