15 Romanians on hunger strike on a cruise ship. “We want to go home!”


15 Romanians, employees of the Royal Caribbean company, went on hunger strike. They have been stranded for almost two months aboard a cruise ship, writes Daily Mail.

Crew members of the Navigator of the Seas say they have not eaten since Thursday and asked that they be allowed to go home.

“My mental health is deteriorating. We have no hope,” one of them complained, according to the Miami Herald.

The 15 Romanians asked to remain anonymous, because their bosses would have threatened to punish them if they spoke to the press.

The company announced the resolution of the situation.

“The situation was resolved amicably, after a discussion between the captain and the crew members,” said a company representative.

Michael Bayley, CEO of Royal Caribbean, announced that an agreement will soon be signed with the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. USA

In this way, the crew members can be repatriated, respecting the security measures related to the new coronavirus.

So far, 16 crew members have gone home, all of American descent.

Romanians, repeatedly postponed

Navigator of the Seas arrived in Miami on May 10, from where Romanians hope to fly home.

The 15 Romanians have been repeatedly postponed since late April. First, they were promised to board the plane on May 16 in Miami, then the announced date was May 21 in Barbados.

One of the Romanians is in a hurry to get to the country because his father is seriously ill.

The company did not provide explanations for the deferrals. “The ship will be in Miami for two days. Why can’t they just take us on a plane?” Asked one of the Romanians.
