14-day quarantine upon entry into Germany. The list of areas in Romania included in the category of “risk areas” has been updated.


Following the clarifications of September 10, 2020, on the modification of the conditions of entry into the territory of the Federal Republic of Germany in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs reports that the German authorities have updated the list of “risk areas” in Romania. effective as of September 16, 2020. As a result of this update, the counties of Neamţ and Caraş-Severin were placed in the risk category, while the counties of Argeş and Dâmboviţa were removed from the list “, announces the Ministry Of Foreign Affairs.

According to the cited source, at this time, taking into account these latest decisions of the German authorities, together with Bucharest, 11 Romanian counties are on the list of “risk areas”: Bacau, Bihor, Braila, Brasov, Caras-Severin , Iasi, Ilfov, Neamţ, Prahova, Vaslui, Vâlcea.

„According to information previously sent by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the counties removed from the list so far are the following: Argeş (at 16.09), Buzău (at 09.09), Dâmboviţa (at 16.09), Galaţi (09.09) , Gorj (at 02.09), Ialomiţa (on 20.08), Mehedinţi (on 20.08), Neamţ (on 02.09, but reintroduced on 09-16), Timiş (on 08-20) and Vrancea (on 09.09). According to the information publicly communicated by the German authorities, persons entering the Federal Republic of Germany from “risk zones” must complete a “landing form” Public Health Passenger Location Form, the Romanian version of which can be found at the following link: https://www.rki.de/DE/Content/InfAZ/N/Neuartiges_Coronavirus/Transport/Aussteigekarten-COVID_RO.pdf?__blob=publicationFile ”, MAE also transmits:

All persons entering the Federal Republic of Germany after being in one of the “risk areas” at any time during the last 14 days prior to arrival must carry out self-isolation in their home or other suitable accommodation during a period of 14 days of arrival.

There are two exceptions to this obligation. The first exception applies to people who present a negative molecular biology test for COVID -19 carried out no later than 48 hours before entry into Germany, by means of a medical certificate translated into German or English that must be kept for at least 14 days. after entry.

The second exception applies to persons who take the test after their arrival in the Federal Republic of Germany, with the obligation to strictly observe self-isolation at home until the communication of the negative test result. The test can be carried out directly at the airport, at the family doctor or at the local health authorities and is free within the first 10 days of arrival in Germany from a risk area.

If the person in question begins to show specific COVID-19 symptoms (shortness of breath, cough, fever or loss of taste / smell) within 14 days of entering Germany, the above exceptions no longer apply. In this case, it is mandatory to self-isolate and contact the local health authority immediately.

The mere transit of German territory is not conditioned by these obligations. Transit involves leaving German territory as directly as possible, avoiding any close contact with other people and observing specific protection measures: social distancing, hygiene, mask, etc. Short stops for food or fuel are allowed, but not those of the tourist or business type, visits, accommodation, conclusion of contracts, etc.

The MFA warns that in case of non-compliance with the obligations related to tests, compliance with the self-isolation measure or transit conditions, the German authorities can apply penalties of up to 25,000 euros.

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