10 minutes of sunshine a day “may help reduce the risk of coronavirus infection,” experts say


“Now more than ever is the time to be deficient in vitamin D,” said Dr. Rachel Neale, according to The Mirror.

“It would make sense for a person with vitamin D deficiency to have an increased risk of developing symptoms of Covid-19 disease and to be even stronger.” This is because vitamin D has important effects on the immune system, “said the researcher.

Vitamin D-deficient patients are more likely to be sick, according to scientists.

Vitamin D is naturally produced by the human body in response to the sun’s rays and can also be found in various foods, such as egg yolk, red meat, and fish oil.

According to the doctor, just 10 minutes of sun a day may be enough for a person to receive a daily dose of vitamin D.

The British public health system, the NHS, also advises people to consider taking vitamin D supplements to keep their bones and muscles healthy.

Although many experts have reported on the importance of vitamin D in the body in the fight against coronavirus, there is currently no study that clearly highlights this link.

Photo: Profimedia

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