Android malware can be difficult to detect. For example, a mobile application called Ads Blocker advertises itself as a useful service to reduce annoying mobile ads, which can appear to cover your screen just when you are about to access something important. Actually, according to security researchers, the app was malware that only showed more ads.
It’s just one example of malware that can frustrate Android users, plaguing them with ads that creators are paid to display, even when users search for unrelated apps. Malware often also generates false clicks on ads, doubling the value of your malware.
“They are making money,” said Nathan Collier, a Malwarebytes researcher who helped identify the fake ad blocker in November 2019, “and that’s the name of the game.”
Researchers say that adware like Ads Blocker is the most common type of malware on Android devices. However, other malicious apps can do worse than make your phone so frustrating to use that you want to take it out and crush it, like stealing personal information from your phone.
Malware can be disorienting, hampering the way you normally use your phone and making you feel uncomfortable even if you are not sure what is causing the problem. It is also very common; Malwarebytes says it found about 200,000 total instances of malware on its customers’ devices in May and then again in June. So how do you know if you have malware on your phone and how can you stop it? Here are some conclusions from what mobile malware experts can do.
How malware works on your phone
Mobile malware generally takes one of two approaches, said Adam Bauer, a security researcher at mobile security company Lookout. The first type of malware tricks you into granting them permissions that allow you to access confidential information.
That’s where the Ads Blocker app comes in, and many of the permissions you requested sound like something a true ad blocker would need. Unfortunately, they also allow the app to constantly run in the background and show ads to users even when using unrelated apps.
The second type of malware exploits vulnerabilities on phones, gaining access to confidential information by granting administrator privileges. This reduces the need for users to click “Accept” on permission requests, making it easier for malware to run without users being aware of its presence on the device.
Malware signals
Here are signs that you have malware on your phone:
- You are constantly seeing ads, regardless of the application you are using.
- Install an app and then the icon disappears immediately.
- Your battery is draining much faster than usual.
- You see apps that you don’t recognize on your phone.
These are all troubling signs that mean you should investigate further.
Ransomware on Android phones
Another type of malware is ransomware. Victims usually see their files locked and cannot be used. Usually a popup window requires payment in bitcoin to get them back. Fortunately, most Android ransomware can only lock files on external storage, such as photos, Bauer said.
What is mobile malware capable of?
In addition to making you miserable with constant ads, mobile malware can access private information. Common goals include:
- Your bank card
- Your device information
- Your phone number or email address
- Your contact lists
Hackers can use this information for a variety of malicious tasks. They can commit identity theft with their bank credentials; They can sell your device and contact information until it’s inundated with automatic calls, text messages, and oh yes, more announcements; And they can send links for more malware to everyone on their contact list.
If you suspect that your information has already been trapped in the automatic calling machine, you can see what your phone provider has to offer to help keep annoying phone calls to a minimum. For example, T-Mobile, Sprint and MetroPCS customers will have access to Scam Shield, a free app announced in July.
How to stop mobile malware on your Android phone
If you think you already have malware on your Android device or just want to protect yourself, there are clear steps you can take.
First, keep your phone’s software up to date. Security experts consistently rank a current operating system and updated applications as one of the most important steps users can take to protect their devices and accounts. If you already have malware on your phone, software updates from your phone maker, say Android 10 or upcoming Android 11, can patch vulnerabilities and cut off access that malicious software enjoyed. Updates can also prevent malware from working in the first place.
Next, check what permissions your apps have. Does a gaming application have the ability to send SMS messages? It is probably unnecessary and could be a red flag, Bauer said. Keep this in mind when installing applications in the future as well.
You may also consider installing antivirus applications. These services can sometimes slow down your phone, and they have increased access to your phone to detect malicious behavior and warn you, so you should choose one you trust. And you probably want to choose the pay option if you can, both to unlock the best features and to avoid seeing even more ads.
Applications can warn you about malware on your phone and offer you customer service when you need to deal with something unpleasant. At the very least, you can use a program known as Malwarebytes, Norton, Lookout, or Bitdefender to scan your device if you think you already have malware installed.
Finally, you can get rid of or avoid Android apps downloaded from third party app stores. These applications do not go through Google review and can more easily infiltrate malicious software into your phone. Google doesn’t get it all, as reports of malicious Android apps being removed from the Play Store show, but sticking to the Google Play Store, and having a direct outlet to report the issues it finds, is yet another line of defense.