Pelosi reveals new nickname for Trump ‘Mr. And if that was not enough’

President of the house Nancy PelosiNancy Pelosi 7-year-old John Lewis’s great-nephew calls civil rights icon ‘my hero’ from the White House, Congress talks about upcoming coronavirus relief bill as COVID-19 continues to grow The family honors John Lewis at the monument in his hometown MORE (D-Calif.) Sunday nicknamed President TrumpDonald John Trump Seattle police declare riots amid ongoing protests. Brazilian Bolsonaro says he tested positive for coronavirus. The Reagan Foundation asks the Trump campaign, RNC, to stop using the former president’s name to raise money. PLUS “The Lord makes things worse,” giving him the new nickname for his handling of the coronavirus pandemic.

“This president, I have a new name for him: Mr. Empeora,” Pelosi said on CBS ‘”Face the Nation” on Sunday.

“It has made things worse from the beginning: delay, denial, it is a hoax, it will magically disappear, it is a miracle and everything else, and we are in this situation,” added Pelosi, referring to the president’s repeated statements suggesting that the Viruses can disappear spontaneously “like a miracle”.

“Now they want to send our children to school,” he added.

The White House has been pushing to resume classes in person in the fall and threatened to remove the school districts that refuse.

“The best way to send our children to school is to finance it,” he added, highlighting the need to improve ventilation and physical space in classrooms to allow for social distancing.

“That requires money. That is in the HEROES Act, ”he added, referring to the aid package that the House approved months ago.

The White House has aggressively lobbied for schools to reopen in the fall across the country, pointing to less chance of children becoming seriously ill from the virus, while opponents have cited children’s potential to transmit the virus. staff and members of their homes. On Friday, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention updated their guidelines to recommend reopening schools with precautions based on the spread of the local community, advising some form of reopening, except in areas with uncontrolled community transmission.
