Osof has amassed more money than any Senate candidate in history

  • Georgia Democrat, current Republican Sen. Trying to oust David Perdue, John Osof has become the highest-funded candidate for the Senate in U.S. history, The New York Times first reported.
  • According to data from the Federal Election Commission, ss Ktof collected 6,106.7 million between October 15 and December 16.
  • According to information, in Georgia, Rep. Rafael Warnock, the Republican incumbent Sen. Democrats seeking to replace Kelly Lofler raised $ 103.3 million over the same period, according to the data.
  • The Georgia runoff election, in which neither candidate received enough votes to win either race, has garnered national attention as opponents decide whether to retain control of the Republican Senate.
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Georgia Democrat John Osof participates in a heavy run against Republican Sen. David Perdue has become the current highest-funded senatorial candidate, The New York Times first reported Friday.

The news comes after the release of the latest round of Federal Election Commission-funded data, which will cover the period from October 15 to December 16. During that period, Osof raised 6 106.7 million. According to FEC data, Perdu collected million 68 million during the same period.

According to information, during the same period, Rep. Rafael Warnock, who participated in Georgia’s heavy race against the present Republican Sen. Kelly Lofler collected 3 103.3 million during the same period. According to the FEC, Lofler raised about $ 64 million during the fundraising period.

In both races during the general election, both candidates did not receive enough votes to declare the winner. Beginning in the run-off election in January, Georgia’s runoff race has attracted nationwide attention as the winner of the race decides which party will control the US Senate. .

If O’Sullivan and Vernonck win both their races, the Senate majority will be split evenly between Democrats and Republicans. But, if either Perdue or Loffler wins, the G.O.P. The Democrat-controlled House and President-elect Joe Biden, who will retain power in the Senate, will also create roadblocks for Democrats.

Biden beat the state of Georgia blue during the general election, one of the states that proved key to a victory against President Donald Trump.

The New York Times reports that the donations made to Vernonck and W. Sof were less than ડ 200 million. According to the data, Perdue and Loffler received only 30% of donations from small donors.

During the quarter, both Osoff and Walker’s fundraisers broke previous records by Jaime Harrison, a Republican senator from South Carolina. Lindsay collected 57 57 million in a quarter in her failed campaign against Graham.