You think you found the marker that was used – VG


– DO NOT REMEMBER: Defendant Laila Bertheussen claims in court that she remembers little of the first threatening incident against the family home in Oslo, on the night of March 6, 2018. Bertheussen justifies the memory failure with sleeping pills that “knock her out” . Photo: Drawing: ANE HOME

OSLO DISTRICT COURT (VG) The prosecution believes that a marker found at Laila Bertheussen’s home and the offended party was used to write on the wall of the home and on the family’s car.

On Tuesday, the criminal case against Laila Bertheussen continues in court 250 of the Oslo District Court, where she is accused of several attacks on democracy, including three politicians. One of them is her own partner, former Justice Minister Tor Mikkel Wara (Frp).

He denies his criminal guilt, but had to explain on Tuesday about the first threatening incident against the couple’s leadership on Røa in Oslo on the night of March 6, 2018.

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The prosecution believes she wrote “racist” on the wall of the house and drew a swastika and wrote “racist” on the family car. Also, they believe he opened the car’s fuel tank cap and put a string that ignited.

The prosecutor believes that she staged all the incidents of the prosecution as a reaction to the play “Ways of Seeing”, which was performed at the Black Box Theater in the fall of 2018, and where photographs of the couple’s home were used. .

Do you think you are innocent? “I am offended in this case”

Ink found on the shelf

A central issue in court was a red Penol 1000 model pen. It was found behind some books on a shelf in the house after the 55-year-old was charged with threats in March last year.

State Attorney Frederik G. Ranke testifies in court that Kripos has concluded that this marker, in all likelihood, is the same type of marker that was used to write on the wall of the house and on the family car.

– Do you have any knowledge of this type of marker pens? Ranke asks.

– No, well, I have 200-300 markers in the house, so I have no knowledge, answers Bertheussen.

– But the marker was found on the back of a shelf. Why was it there?

– No, no idea. I point out to him that we had many artisans who came in and out of the house, who stayed in that basement room, he replies.

When asked by the prosecutor, senior engineer Knut Endre Sjåstad in Kripos confirmed that they believe the marker found behind the shelf was likely used.

– Yes, we say. There is a certain overriding probability that it was the pen in question that marked the line. The reason for this is that there are an incredible number of other markers that are different, says Sjåstad.

Explain that in all probability it is the same tint as in the disputed material.

– This is the strongest conclusion we use, he says.

– Wouldn’t you remember more?

The prosecution believes that the vandalism tonight in December two years ago took place shortly after 2 p.m., and in court on Tuesday defendant Laila Bertheussen was asked in-depth questions about it.

– Do you have any idea when this incident could have occurred? Ranke asks.

– In retrospect, when Tor Mikkel clarified when it happened, we thought it must have happened at 03-04 at night, answers Bertheussen.

– Wouldn’t this be an evening that you would remember the most, since it was a special event?

– The evening was not special. Today I don’t know when I went to bed yesterday, he answers.

The prosecutor notes that Bertheussen explained last week that he had noticed that Wara woke up that night and that he got up. Then he figured it was 04.

– How did you find out about this?

– I guess it was sounds. Maybe it has moved. I have my mobile by my side. Maybe that’s what I did, Bertheussen responds.

Prosecutor: Attorney General Frederik G. Ranke. Photo: Ole Berg-Rusten / NTB

The pressure of the old interrogation

The prosecutor believes that she now explained herself differently than she did when questioning witnesses twelve days after the 2018 incident. To show what she thought was contradictory, Ranke played three minutes of this cross-examination in court.

At the first questioning, Bertheussen says she doesn’t remember anything about the night before Wara woke her up in the morning.

– I always have to take a hot shower. I don’t remember anything before that, he explained.

– In hindsight, I remember waking up at night. I don’t remember anything about it. I do not have time for that. I can’t remember anything for sure.

In the same questioning, he also explained that he takes sleeping pills and painkillers every night.

– You can tear down the house without me waking up. Tor Mikkel is always the one who wakes up at night. I’m knocked out, he explained in this questioning.

– I have tried to clear my brain

– Here you say you don’t wake up, and now you say you remember? asks the prosecutor in court.

– I take sleeping pills, but that does not mean that I sleep well. You know I don’t sleep as well as I thought, Bertheussen replies.

– If you had noticed that he woke up at 04. Why didn’t you tell the police?

– I know I told the police that I was standing on the stairs. Tor Mikkel said it was around 03, and then I said no, it must have been around 04. We talked about that, Bertheussen replies.

– But in the interrogation you don’t say anything?

– No, now is 21 months ago. I have tried to better clean my brain.

– Now you have a vague memory that maybe you cleaned like this on 03-02 at night. Did you say that in questioning?

– No, it’s me, answers Bertheussen.

Digital accessories

Prosecutor Marit Formo also reviewed some of the digital seizures made in the case that night, including several searches conducted on Berthussen’s phone on the night of March 5 and the night of March 6.

It seems that she has searched several times throughout the night for “Black Box”, people associated with the theatrical performance, herself and the Bishop of Oslo, Kari Veiteberg.

He thinks the motive is the controversial game:

Last week it emerged that Bertheussen was not satisfied with the fact that the bishop had shared a post on his Facebook profile with a request to view “Ways of Viewing.” Bertheussen sent several messages to Veiteberg after this, where she, among other things, asked him to apologize.

Searches on these topics have been conducted since early afternoon and throughout the night. The last search was done on the internet at 1:58 tonight. Bertheussen then requested the name of the Bishop of Oslo Kari Veiteberg.

The prosecution believes that the vandalism of the family’s home and car took place just after this time.

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