World daily record for number of corona cases – VG


MEETING LOCKOUT: A waiter in a Paris cafe, just before all the city’s restaurants on November 6 had to close once again indefinitely. Photo: CHRISTOPHE ARCHAMBAULT / AFP

In one day, more than 350,000 corona cases have been detected globally, the highest number so far in the pandemic, according to the World Health Organization (WHO). The increase in infection in Europe worries the WHO crisis manager.

The new record is almost 12,000 cases of infection higher than the previous one, which was set earlier this week, shows the WHO summary.

At the same time, the number of infection cases detected in one day in Europe exceeded 100,000 for the first time.

Europe: infection increases

VG’s corona special shows on Friday that several countries in Europe have their worst infection day yet in Friday’s pandemic:

  • Ukraine: 5,961
  • Netherlands: 5,878
  • Poland: 4,739
  • Slovakia: 1,184
  • Latvia: 137

On Friday, 20,339 new cases of the coronavirus were registered in France, Reuters reports. This is the highest number of new cases of infection registered in the country.

By comparison, there were 18,129 new cases on Thursday.

The cities of Lyon, Lille, Grenoble and Saint-Étienne will all be on “full alert” starting Saturday, French Health Minister Olivier Veran said on Thursday.

The capital, Paris, and the country’s second-largest city, Marseille, have been placed on the same alert. The nightclubs in the cities had to close as of Tuesday, October 6.

According to the French Minister of Health, the cities of Toulouse and Montpellier may also be on the same alert early next week. In that case, more than eight million French people will live in cities that have once again had to close.

The country also recorded 109 new deaths related to the virus. Which brings the total number of French deaths to 32,630, according to Reuters.

Who cared

While the spread of the infection continues around the world, “there are no new answers,” acknowledged WHO crisis manager Michael Ryan at a press conference on Friday.

Not only France has high infection rates. Both the UK and Spain have registered more than 12,000 new cases of infection on Friday.

MADRID: Waiters in the Plaza Mayor. Photo: Manu Fernandez / AP

In Spain, it has also been decided to close the capital Madrid. No one can travel in or out of the city for the next 15 days.

– It is sad to see that many countries in Europe experience a rapid increase in the number of cases of infection. Now the authorities of the countries must act and stop the transmission of viruses, says Ryan in the WHO.

Point out distance, masks, and good ventilation as important points to follow. In addition, it emphasizes that you have to be very careful with all events where people gather in a limited space.

In total, more than 36 million cases of infection and more than 1 million deaths have been confirmed. The dark figures are believed to be large, and the WHO estimated this week that around 780 million people may have been infected with corona.

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