– Working hard on follow-up – NRK Sørlandet – Local news, TV and radio


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– The infection monitoring team is working hard to map everyone who has been in close contact with those infected, says Mayor Robert C. Nordli (Labor).

On Friday afternoon, the municipality’s infection staff had an emergency meeting. The status is that nine new people have been registered infected with covid-19 in the last 24 hours.

This means that there are now 27 people who have been infected in Arendal. On Friday night, 220 people were quarantined, but the number will increase overnight, the mayor claims.

– The inhabitants are restless and I understand it perfectly. I’m worried too, says Nordli.

The infection is mainly linked to two events: a confirmation on September 13 and a private party on Saturday, September 19.

At least 18 of those who attended the party have been diagnosed with the infection.

On Wednesday all institutions with residents were closed. The next day, rules came in about how many can meet.

The business community is affected

The contagion situation has already left its mark on the business fabric of Arendal.

According to Agderposten, infection has been detected in two employees, one at Vinmonopolet and the other at the Motehår hair salon.

Five Vinmonopolet employees are now in quarantine, district manager Heidi Beate Solheim told NRK.

The hairdresser who has been diagnosed with corona was infected by a client. The salon is closed for ten days.

The wine monopoly in Arendal

The wine monopoly in Arendal was removed after a surrogate was diagnosed with covid-19.

Photo: Leif Dalen / NRK

For cultural life, it will be worse than ever.

– With the rule of a maximum of 50 at events, we had to cancel tonight’s concert with Unni Wilhelmsen, says Munkebusiness secretary Ole Johan Lillegaard.

He says that this is the second time a concert with her has to be canceled due to the crown. It also happened this summer. So the problem was the one meter distance rule.

Other plans must be suspended as well.

– We anticipate a state of emergency one month in advance. We don’t know how long the new rules will apply. They can spread as they have elsewhere, he says.

I don’t know if it holds

However, Mayor Nordli hopes the stricter rules will suffice until October 5.

– I really hope it stays, because this affects many. But one thing I learned during the pandemic is that things are unpredictable. We don’t know if it stays, he says.

The mayor now has a new task for the citizens.

– Try to remember who you have been with. It can be demanding, but it will make it easier to follow up if you do get sick.

Robert Cornels Nordli

Mayor of Arendal Robert Cornels Nordli (Labor Party).

Photo: Svein Sundsdal / NRK

– Exciting times

In line with the development of the infection in Arendal, concern is increasing in neighboring municipalities.

– Many of our neighbors work in Arendal. If there is an outbreak there, there is also the danger of an outbreak here, says Mayor Marianne Landaas (H) in Tvedestrand.

Mayors Beate Skretting (H) in Grimstad and Marianne Landaas (H) in Tvedestrand fear that the outbreak in Arendal could spread to their municipalities.

– We have many who commute to school and work in Arendal, so these are exciting times for us, says Mayor Bjørn Gunnar Baas (Sp) in Åmli.

He says they are currently in full control of the infection in Åmli, but that it is important to take the situation in Arendal seriously.

Bjørn Gunnar Baas

Mayor of Åmli Bjørn Gunnar Baas (H), follows the development in Arendal.

Photo: Svein Sundsdal / NRK
