Work life, Christmas table | The company leaves the annual party, but Martha Helen (27) is happy with the alternative: – Very nice


Many people cancel the Christmas table due to infections and lower turnover. – No reason to cancel, Virke thinks.

For restaurants, hotels, and the event industry, fall and Advent are typically peak season, and many businesses generate revenue that keeps them afloat during lean periods in other parts of the year.

But this year is different.

In a time of an outbreak of infection, more uncertainty and poor economic prospects, many companies are withholding funds that they would have otherwise spent on New Year’s Eve or Christmas dinners.

One in four companies in the restaurant and nightlife sector responds that they have no orders in October. The same says one in three in experiences and culture. Many in the industry also respond that the number of orders in October is more than 76 percent lower than in the same period last year. It appears from the NHO Reiseliv survey figures for September.

Also Read: The Christmas Table Traps That Can Cost You Your Job

Cancel the annual party, but keep spending money on food

For gas operator Gassco, the annual October party has been a highlight for the around 200 employees in Bygnes in Karmøy municipality. The annual celebration marks the beginning of the year of gas, which runs from October 1 to September 30 of the following year.

– Gatherings like these are a great way to preserve the community we have here at Gassco, and I think many employees are happy and motivated when the company throws us such a party, says Martha Helen Fagerland (27).

Click the pic to enlarge.  DA GAS: Around 200 jobs for state gas operator Gassco, which this year will buy takeout for employees and invite to a digital party from the couch.  NOTE: The image is from before the outbreak of the coronary pandemic.

DA GAS: Around 200 jobs for state gas operator Gassco, which this year will buy take-out for employees and host a digital party from the couch. NOTE: Image is from before the corona pandemic outbreak.
Photo: Gassco

She says annual meetings are an opportunity to meet the company’s employees, and that this is something many people look forward to.

This year, however, Fagerland was prepared for the party to not take place due to the crown situation. But on Tuesday, Gassco may announce that it will buy food from a local supplier for the offices and the gas plant that employees can take home and enjoy with a partner. Through the television screens at home, employees will be able to participate in an annual digital party that the company will organize.

– It’s about giving employees a motivational boost, but also about helping the local business community, says Lisbeth Kallevik, Gassco’s communications director.

Although gasoline prices have fallen dramatically throughout the year, it is primarily infection control that prompts Gassco to reduce its annual harvest. Gassco employee Fagerland is happy the company is still prioritizing an employee event.

– I work in the control room as usual, so we are usually a little isolated from others. So it’ll be really nice to participate in a larger gathering, even from the couch at home, says Fagerland, adding that he hopes there will be a show on screen when Gassco’s party throws a remote party.

Read more: Family business in Stavanger has triggered a wave of infections: – Now they put us to the test

Tributes to the initiative

On Monday, Bygdebladet wrote that Rogaland Elektro canceled this year’s Christmas table and gave employees gift cards for restaurant visits. At NHO’s request, CEO Trond Randeberg decided to contribute to local businesses in the restaurant and nightlife industry that survived the fall.

– We want to keep the wheels moving for as many people as possible. If we can participate and contribute, then that is great. Many of the restaurants are also our customers, so if they are affected by the loss of income, it also affects us, Randeberg tells Bygdebladet.

For Nettavisen Økonomi, regional director Tone Grindland at NHO Rogaland says that a large proportion of players in the nightlife and service industry see fall in the dark, and that company reservations and orders are absolutely necessary.

– Orders for the holiday season can be the difference between survival and bankruptcy for many, says Grindland.

Click the pic to enlarge.  HYLLER GASSCO: - Many have asked the authorities, but companies can also help companies, says Tone Grindland, regional director of NHO Rogaland.

HYLLER GASSCO: – Many have asked the authorities, but companies can also help companies, says Tone Grindland, regional director of NHO Rogaland.
Photo: NHO

She emphasizes that there is a big difference in the intensity with which the various industries are affected by the crown situation, and encourages companies that are doing well to spend money so that the injured tourism industry can do well. .

– Gassco has found an incredibly good and creative solution. They have taken into account that they cannot meet, at the same time they are holding a digital event and ordering good food from a local supplier, Grindland says.

Lead organization Virke director Ivar Horneland Kristensen also realizes that companies that make their living from gathering people are now struggling a lot.

– For all of those who make their living gathering people, the Christmas season is crucial to make ends meet. This applies to restaurants, restaurants, catering, cultural actors and tourism. These industries employ a total of 280,000 people. Since March, these jobs have been in immediate danger of disappearing, says Kristensen.

Click the pic to enlarge.  INVITE: Virke CEO Ivar Horneland Kristensen asks companies that they have the opportunity not to cancel the Christmas table.

INVITE: Virke CEO Ivar Horneland Kristensen asks companies that they have the opportunity not to cancel the Christmas table.
Photo: Terje Bendiksby (NTB scanpix)

Virke’s director encourages companies not to cancel this year’s Christmas table.

– We will live with the infection in society for a long time. Then we must shift the focus from shutting down society due to infection, to making society move despite infection. Therefore, the industry is serious about infection control. Good infection control routines and a separate outbreak action plan ensure that colleagues can meet in accordance with infection control rules. So there is no reason to cancel this year’s Christmas table, Kristensen says.

Also read: Work: Tourism will lose 2 out of 3 crowns in turnover this year

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