Winter sports, Cross-country skiing | Correct choice, Norway. Now we are just waiting for the Swedes!


It took an expected chaos and a terrifying dozen hours at the Finnish Ruka before the Norwegian national team leadership realized the fear of the crown in earnest. Now Espen Bjervig and company have had common sense and have decided to abandon all World Cup competitions until the New Year. Now we are just waiting for the Swedes.

This is a comment. It is the attitude of the writer that is expressed.

You don’t have to be an Einstein to discover the risks involved for a national team like Norway to travel in ski competitions during an ongoing pandemic.

On various blogs here on Nettavisen, I have been deeply skeptical of the FIS, the international ski association, which has failed to put its foot down and stopped the madness of exposing active riders and leaders to life-threatening situations at the World Cup.

Because that’s what it’s all about. Health and well-being of people.

But at the FIS, the money they receive for broadcast rights and marketing from sponsors seems more important than promoting the health of skiers.

ALSO READ: Norway has finished the World Cup weekends in Davos and Dresden

Before Ruka, I felt fear and dread for what was going to happen. The Norwegian squad did not even make it to Ruka before coach Eirik Myhr Nossum’s first test came back positive.

The entire troop ended up in a surreal quarantine in Finnish darkness.

It seemed the worst to Heidi Weng. The kind-hearted girl with roots in the calm and peaceful environment of Yte Enebakk was already at the press conference before the first weekend of Beitostølen worried about what was to come.

In Ruka, Weng felt like a python and had neither the energy nor the mental energy to act. For her, the minitour ended in just over two minutes.

ALSO READ: Norway abandons World Cup race – Sweden assesses the situation

We still don’t know what mental traces settled on Weng’s head.

But when doctor Øystein Andersen and national team manager Bjervig let the circus continue when Nossum’s second test was negative, Weng’s fate was drowned in a massive show of force from Norway.

There is great respect first and foremost for tour winner Johannes Høsflot Klæbo and later Emil Iversen, for having the courage to leave crowns, trophies, honor and fame before new “death stunts” in Davos and Dresden before of Christmas.

Iversen has also announced that he will not participate in the Tour de Ski.

For sports models like Klæbo and Iversen to first come out and show solidarity with the social responsibility that we should all assume under the prevailing situation with high infection, pain and suffering in many living rooms and homes, yes, it really warms my heart.

ALSO READ: Klæbo leaves the World Cup until 2020

Klæbo and Iversen thought of the team, Norway and the citizens of the world before themselves and the World Cup. They lose a lot of money, but they are guaranteed to win the sympathy of millions of people.

Skiing is not very important now.

Ruka’s assessment from the Norwegian Ski Federation landed on the same route as Klæbo and Iversen.

I think it sends the right signal to people.

Sport is important, even in times of crisis, but there are limits to which young people must be exposed.

That limit has now been reached in Norway.

Now I’m just waiting for Sweden. I know there have been meetings day and night after Ruka, but no decision has been made at the time of writing this article.

I fear that the leaders of my motherland have as much trouble making decisions here as the leaders of the country have had since the pandemic broke out in February this year.

It’s a bit half. No blocking.

ALSO READ: FIS: – It is important that Norway compete in as many World Cup races as possible

Here’s a quote from the Swedish Ski Federation after Ruka’s competitions and Norway’s decision on Tuesday morning:

“We felt safe and we thought it worked well. As long as everything can happen safely, of course we will compete. It is a pity that Norway does not go, but that does not change our attitude,” said Johan Haggstöm, who represents the riders.

National team manager Daniel Fåhreaus quotes Sports Minister Amanda Lind who said Monday:

“It is important that sport can continue, not only for children and young people, but also for sport consisting of hardworking people who mean a lot to us here in Sweden.”

When it comes to FIS, confidence is low during the day.

I’m afraid they will keep running until no nation starts anymore. With Norway out of the World Cup, wins and points won’t be worth much.

Only those who do not want or dare to take responsibility for themselves or their country will remain.

/ Torbjörn Nordvall


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