When Trump arrives, the city is covered in agglomerate – NRK Urix – Foreign News & Documentaries


The most affected neighborhoods are blocked. Blue lights from police cars reveal rows of burning houses and brick walls reduced to piles of stone and concrete.

A little further away, in the center of town, a car dealer has lost his life job. Hundreds of cars and his business have caught fire.


Both tonight and Wednesday night, there is a curfew in Kenosha. From 7:00 p.m. to 7:00 a.m., no one can go outside. The exceptions are the police and the press.

police in Kenosha, after the riots

Police have cordoned off a burning block in Kenosha. Tonight and the next night there is a curfew. To avoid demonstrations and further devastation in connection with President Trump’s visit today.

Photo: Lars Os / Lars Os

Today the president is coming to town. To inspect damage after demonstrations and riots. It’s probably scary to watch.

The entire center of the small town of Kenosha in the state of Wisconsin is covered with chipboard in front of windows and walls.

Protests continue after Kenosha, WI police shot Jacob Blake

National Guard in place on the streets of Kenosha after the riots in the city.

Photo: Brandon Bell / AFP

Even priests dare not trust in God’s grace and protection. Stained glass no longer appears. There are only wooden boards to protect the artworks from harassment.

City exploded after police shot a black man

It started just over a week ago. After the police shot, Jacob Blake responded from behind and was paralyzed from the waist down.

Kenosha broke out in demonstrations against police violence against blacks. The most extreme ones set buildings on fire and smashed windows.

After a few days, right-wing counter-protesters entered with assault weapons. A 17-year-old boy shot and killed two people. His lawyers say the shots were fired in self-defense.

Kenosha riots / closed city, curfew

The Car Source car source in Kenosha was hit hard by riots and destruction. All the cars in the parking lot were burned. So did the business. And the owner says he’s lost his life’s job, because the insurance company won’t pay when it’s the mob that destroyed cars and buildings.

Photo: Lars Os / Lars Os

Then President Trump sent in the National Guard and the situation calmed down. Now he wants to go to town and tell the entire United States that this is the way to do it: heavy use of force against protesters and rioters.

“Stay at home”

The governor of Wisconsin has asked the president to stay home and not visit him.

Democrat Tony Evers fears such a visit could increase tensions between opposing groups in the city. That there could be more destruction, more shootings and killings.

Wisconsin Gov. Tony Evers asks the president to stay away, but Trump says he will come.

Gov. Tony Evers does not welcome Trump to Kenosha, the president says he will come.

Photo: Pool / AFP

– But why would you absolutely go there, when the governor does not want it? Fox News anchor Laura Ingraham asked during an important interview with the president last night.

“It is because I am a huge supporter of law and order,” Trump responded.

This is a message that he has emphasized time and time again, especially on Twitter. That it is he who stands between law and order and anarchy. And that anarchy will come if Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden is elected.

Believes Trump uses violence to intimidate voters

Biden and the Democrats believe that the president himself is fueling riots and riots. And that he uses riots and violence to intimidate voters into voting for him.

The president also said in the interview that the Black Lives Matter movement is a dangerous Marxist organization that wants to overthrow society. Earlier in the day, he was vague when asked about the young right-wing Trump supporter who shot and killed two people in Kenosha:

-He tried to get away from them. He fell and was attacked very violently. … He could have been killed. It is now under investigation.

Divided city

In another fatal shooting incident in Portland, Oregon, an anti-fascist is under investigation for shooting at a right-wing protester. Here, Trump was more categorical in his comment:

– He shot a young gentleman and killed him. … It was embarrassing!

Kenosha is a very divided city. In the 2016 presidential election, Trump won here, but only by 255 votes. Now the city is more divided than four years ago. So there can be strong emotions, on both sides, when the president comes to visit us today.
