When school employees saw the video, they contacted the police. It should not be taken in a school context.


– I understand that the students understand that what has happened is serious. They show they understand it, says the director.

Students at a high school in Bergen must post a video on social media showing sexual acts committed without consent. The police are investigating the case. Photo: Bård Bøe

Published Published

Students at a high school in Bergen must post a video on social media showing sexual acts committed without consent.

Based on the information BT has received, the offended party in the video must be an adult.

– On Wednesday, school employees watched the video. The case was reported to the police the same day, says the principal of the school in question.

– Did you check one or more students?

– We have reported the case, the main responses.

– I have no idea when or where this video was shot, adds the director.

According to the director, the video was not taken in a school context.

The principal says that the situation is difficult, but that they have school as usual. The importance of online laundering has been widely discussed.

– I understand that the students understand that what has happened is serious. They show they understand it, says the director.

– Do great damage

Police attorney Celin Hauge Andersen confirms to BT that police have secured the video.

It will not respond to any of BT’s questions about the content of the video, the circumstances surrounding it, or the police groundwork in the case.

– The police have started investigations to clarify the circumstances surrounding the video. Due to the investigation being carried out by the police, I cannot go into details in the case you are requesting, says Hauge Andersen.

The police lawyer says it is unfortunate that the video is lost.

– Once something spreads on social media, it’s hard to stop further spreading. It is serious and can cause great harm to those involved.

Kjetil Ottesen is the assistant attorney for the aggrieved party in the case. Warns against sharing videos of criminal acts. Photo: Ørjan Deisz

Assistant lawyer in dialogue with the family

Kjetil Ottesen is an assistant attorney for the offended party and has been in dialogue with the family about the incident.

– I have not spoken with the person directly, without being able to go into more detail about this, but I have spoken with the family, says Ottesen.

So far, he has no comment on the circumstances of the case.

– But in general I would say that if you receive a video of criminal acts, it is very important that you think about it and do not forward this. It can end in criminal liability and, above all, it is a great burden for those involved, says Ottesen.

you did this

Rune Fimrete leads the line patrol in the West Police District.

– What do you do if you receive a video with sexualized content?

– The most important thing is that you don’t share it anymore. It is a crime to transmit it, but it is also a crime to show it on your phone to other people. Send a message to the recipient saying that you don’t want this.

– Is it a crime to have him on the phone?

– Yes, but then we have little control over what others send us. So delete the video immediately.

Rune Fimrete is the leader of the online police patrol in the western police district. Photo: Ørjan Deisz

– Should children report if they receive unpleasant photos or videos?

– We know that many fear that parents may take away their phone if they say something like that. Talk to an adult you trust or contact us. The most important thing is to remove the content.

Those who experience others sharing sexualized images of themselves should report them to administrators or the police, Fimreite emphasizes.

BT has asked Trine Samuelsberg questions about the case. She is the municipal director of kindergarten, school and sports in the municipality of Bergen.

It refers to the director of the agency for the school, Marius Arnasjon Bøe. Not available and refers to communications consultant Toril Berle Schalck.

“The case is under police investigation and we cannot comment on anything beyond that,” he wrote in an SMS to BT.

