– Wear a mask anyway – VG


VOTE AGAINST: The Mayor of Lørenskog, Ragnhild Bergheim, did not agree that the crown’s measures should be stricter in Lørenskog than in Oslo. Photo: Terje Bringedal

Now everyone in Lørenskog must wear a bandage indoors in a public place, even if it is a meter away. Intervening, admits the mayor Ragnhild Bergheim (Labor). Good and strong encouragement, says Oslo City Councilor Raymond Johansen (Labor).

At 4pm on Friday, the municipality of Lørenskog will introduce stricter infection control measures than those in Oslo.

The advice from Oslo is that face masks should be worn indoors in a public place, where you cannot keep at least one meter away.

In his measurements, Lørenskog has eliminated the need to assess distance.

– Many of our stores are located in large shopping centers. As Christmas approaches, it becomes more difficult to stay a meter away. Then it is better to wear a mask anyway, says Lørenskog Mayor Ragnhild Bergheim (Labor).

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NIPH: Children should not wear masks


This means that in the municipality of Lørenskog you should wear a bandage in, among other things, all cultural events, in the sports halls, houses of philosophy, shops and shopping centers that are located inside.

According to the mayor, there were disagreements in the presidency related to the decision, but it ended with a majority.

– Most thought it would be easier to relate to wearing a mask anyway. The minority thought that we should be close to Oslo and Lillestrøm, because it is good to be consistent.

– Based on reason

The mayor himself voted against the proposal to toughen the measures beyond Oslo.

– This is quite an intrusive measure. Sanitary pads are expensive too, but some stores have received feedback that they will buy sanitary pads and hand them out. Then the argument that bandages cost a lot of money disappears, Bergheim says.

In Lørenskog, there are 111 infected per 100,000 inhabitants. This is less than in Oslo, which has 137.4 infected per 100,000.

– What evaluations were made in relation to the introduction of such a measure?

– It is based on common sense, and that you should make it as easy as possible for the population.

You must keep your distance anyway

Some people think bandages are too strict, in part because there aren’t always many people in stores and at events, Bergheim explains.

– But I have also received inquiries from those who think it is good and easier for us to tighten.

Even if you wear a mask, you must remember to keep your distance, emphasizes Bergheim.

In the neighboring municipality of Lillestrøm, politicians unanimously adopted the new crown regulations on Friday morning. There they are in exactly the same vein as Oslo, writes Romerikes Blad.

also read

NIPH: Children should not wear masks

– Nice and strong stimulus

Oslo City Councilor Raymond Johansen (Labor Party) is surprised to hear from VG that a municipality has even more stringent measures than the capital.

– We are very strict in Oslo and generally recommend that people wear bandages. In any case, it is about using your judgment and your head.

Johansen thinks it sounds sensible for Lørenskog to ask people to wear masks anyway.

LØRENSKOG SUPPORT: Raymond Johansen Photo: Mattis Sandblad

– It is good to bring a mask and feel free to wear it all the time. Oslo is also very clear that you must have your mouth bandaged before, for example, entering a shopping center or public transport.

– Will the city of Oslo consider making the same move as Lørenskog?

– That Lørenskog says that you must wear a bandage all the time is a strong and pleasant encouragement, but it is not something we should do now. Oslo has implemented very tough measures, so we will have to use the next two weeks to see if it works.

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