– We will win Wisconsin – VG


MOSINEE, WISCONSIN (VG) On Friday night, Trump visits the important state of Wisconsin. Here, polls show a very narrow lead for Joe Biden.

Donald Trump arrived at the airport in an Air Force One plane slightly smaller than he normally uses. But that did not dampen the spirits among the 2 to 3,000 people present during the voter meeting, which was also attended by VG.

When the President appeared at the door of the plane, cheers rose from the “ceiling” and rhythmic shouts of “America” ​​and “Four More Years” echoed off the runway where the President descended the flight of stairs and headed for the podium.

– In 47 days we will win Wisconsin and win four new years in the White House! “This is the most important election in our history,” Trump said, launching attacks on rival Joe Biden and CNN.

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– Did you see the questions you got from Anderson Cooper on CNN? I don’t get such simple questions, Trump said, referring to an interview in which the Democratic presidential candidate accused Trump of “encouraging violence.”

Trump on the podium in Mosinee, Wisconsin, Friday night. Photo: Thomas Nilsson, VG

The last time Trump visited the largest state in Wisconsin, he inspected damage after demonstrations and riots in Kenosha, where Jacob Blake was shot by police. Here he promoted his commitment to law and order, and referred to the protesters as national terrorists.

– Biden will hand our country over to the violent left-wing mafia. If Biden wins, China will win. If Biden wins, the rebels and flag burners will win, Trump said from Mosinee Friday night.

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From the podium, he also recorded the debate that arose after NFL player Colin Kaepernick knelt during the American national anthem in 2016, protesting racism.

“We want the NFL players to be respectful while our national anthem is playing,” Trump said.

As he says this, the billboards that people bring are soaring through the air. The same goes for the volume of cheers from the audience, which consists almost exclusively of white Americans.

ENTHUSIASTIC: VG meets 37-year-old Mike from Colby during his first Trump rally, in Misonee, Wisconsin. “Without Trump, I think we would be in real trouble,” he said. Photo: Thomas Nilsson / VG

Important tilt state

Four years ago Trump got away with a win in Wisconsin, and remains strong in cities like Mosinee and Rothschild, he writes Milwaukee Journal.

In this year’s election, however, things suggest that things may have changed. In a recent Washington Post and ABC poll, Joe Biden of the Democrats has a very narrow lead here, at 52 percent to 46 percent. The margin of error is 4.5 percent.

Also in a CNN poll, Biden has an advantage, at 52 percent to 42 percent.

– I think Trump will win the state with a bang, Mike, 37, tells VG before Trump takes the stage.

He does not want to give his last name.

– What about the whole country?

– Also with a bang.

Mike, who is from the city of Colby, highlights the large number of people who showed up before the voter meeting and says there are many more than those who show up during the Biden voter meetings.

Biden has not held traditional election rallies since March due to the crown pandemic, and Trump has been criticized for endangering voters and failing to respect infection control rules during his election rallies. Earlier this week, Nevada Governor Steve Sisolak raged against Trump’s Henderson meeting, which violated state restrictions on the crown.

For Wisconsin voters, Trump says he has found a solution to this problem:

– We no longer call it a rally, because it is not allowed. You can no longer go to church or go out to talk to anyone. Your home has become a prison. But there is one thing that is allowed: to protest. That is why we call this friendly protests, and it is completely legal, he said and appealed to those present:

– When you go out and people ask you if you liked the meeting, don’t say it was a meeting, say it was a protest.

WOMEN FOR TRUMP: Shawn Trudeau is ready for his first Trump meeting in Misonee, Wisconsin. He believes that Trump is the United States. Photo: Thomas Nilsson / VG

– I love Trump

Several hours before Trump took the stage, several hundred people lined up in good weather outside the hangar of the Central Wisconsin Airport in Mosinee, where the meeting took place. As always, they were outfitted with “Make America Great Again” caps, Trump T-shirts of various kinds, and other effects that clearly show they are the President’s people.

– I love Trump. He represents everything that is American, says Shawn Trudeau (50) to VG.

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This is the first time you will see the president “live.”

– I am very excited. I hope he does more incredible things for America if he wins, as he has done for the past four years. He has cut taxes, created jobs and wants us to continue to have the second constitutional amendment, says the 50-year-old from the city of Wrightstown.

The second constitutional amendment protects the right to own and bear arms.

In opinion polls, Trump voters clearly stand out in one area: enthusiasm. In Wisconsin, more than two in three Trump voters in the Washington Post and ABC polls said they were very excited before the election, while Biden’s voter turnout hovered around 50 percent.

– I think it’s the biggest enthusiasm gap in a poll. I don’t believe in opinion polls, but I do believe in them, Trump said from the stage.

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– Trump is the first president to get things done. When I was little, I asked my parents “why the president not so long ago?” And they said it was a complicated process in Washington. But this president proved them wrong, Brent Howland, 56, tells VG.

Brett Howland, 56, believes that voting for Trump is voting for the United States Constitution. – Democrats keep trying to change it, he says. Photo: Thomas Nilsson / VG

For him, a vote for Trump is a vote to preserve America as he knows it. He wants the constitution to be kept as is and he does not want the country to become socialist.

– Are you afraid it will happen if Biden wins?

– Yes. Democrats don’t believe in our constitution, they keep trying to change it all the time, Howland says.

Next week, Trump will continue his visits to key states and meet with voters in Ohio and Pennsylvania.

AT THE TRUMP MEETING: Thomas Nilsson and Jostein Matre of VG in Misonee, Wis., Photo: Thomas Nilsson / VG

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