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NO CHANGE: After a meeting with Donald Trump at the White House, Michigan’s top politicians say they have heard nothing that changes the outcome of the election. Photo: MANDEL NGAN / AFP

Leaders of the Senate and the House of Commons in Michigan say after meeting with President Donald Trump in the White House that they have not seen anything that changes the electoral results in the state.

– The President of the United States sent us an invitation on Wednesday night. We both accepted the invitation, as we would the invitations of any incumbent president. We are proud to meet our colleagues and represent Michigan in the nation’s capital.

He writes to Majority Leader Mike Shirkey in the Michigan Senate and Majority Leader Lee Chatfield in the Michigan House of Commons, in a statement after meeting with President Donald Trump at the White House on Friday.

– We use our time in the White House to deliver a letter to a president in which we make it clear that we support additional federal funds to combat covid-19 in the state. We have also communicated it to representatives in Congress, they say.

As for the outcome of the elections in the state, where Biden won, they are clear and distinct.

– We have no information that gives reasons to doubt the electoral result. There is nothing we have been told that changes the outcome in Michigan, they write.

– As leaders in the state, we follow the law and a normal process with Michigan voters in mind, as we have said all along in connection with this election, they write more.

Trump accuses of cheating

The president of the United States has made several allegations of voter fraud both in Michigan and in several other states.

New York Times sources claim that it has also launched an attempt to give Republican states the opportunity to nominate pro-Trump voters in states where Biden has won, so that they can possibly secure Trump’s victory when the Electoral College meets. December 14.

According to CNN, Trump is now considering summoning Republican state politicians in Pennsylvania in a new attempt to persuade a state to instruct its voters to vote for Trump.

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Legal experts have told the newspaper that this is a strategy that will probably never succeed.

Representatives in Michigan emphasize that they believe that the certification process must proceed peacefully “without threats” and that whoever wins the most votes in the state will also receive their electoral votes.

– Michigan’s certification process must be complete and ongoing without threats. Allegations of voter fraud must be taken seriously, investigated and prosecuted in accordance with the law. All the candidates who get the most votes win the Michigan election and electoral votes. These are simple truths that will ensure confidence in elections in our state, they write.

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Biden victory confirmed in Georgia

Another blow to the US president took place early Friday. Then came the state of Georgia with a formal certification of the election result, where Joe Biden got away with the majority of votes and the state’s 16 voters.

Several states are expected to present similar certifications, that is, confirmations of the final result of the elections, in the coming days.

– My motto is that numbers don’t lie, says Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger in Georgia.

At the same time, the Republican emphasized that he, like his colleagues, was disappointed that the party’s candidate did not win.

Although the result is certified in Georgia, state law allows President Donald Trump to request a recount. You must request it within two days.

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