– We must squash this virus – VG


“We will squash this virus and introduce new and more standardized rules,” British Prime Minister Boris Johnson told a news conference from 10 Downing Street tonight.

For the worst affected areas, it means a ban on socializing with other people outside the home indoors, drinking in bars and closing gyms.

Corona infection is spreading at a high rate in the British Isles. On Monday 13,972 cases of infection were registered in the United Kingdom. The day before, the number was 12,872, writes Reuters.

“Infection rates in the UK are higher now than they were in March,” Johnson said.

The virus is particularly rampant in the northern cities of Newcastle, Liverpool, Manchester and Nottingham, where the latter three have recently recorded more than 500 cases of infection per 100,000 residents. For the whole of the UK, the median figure is below 250.

Nottinghamshire will be covered by the highest level. This will also apply to parts of Cheshire in North West England, along with most of the other local “lockdown” areas.

As of October 14, Greater Liverpool will also be subject to the strictest level of restrictions.

I WILL BE BACK: – I returned to Liverpool in September to continue working with music. Here is my band, and I know more people in the music industry here than in Norway, writes Mia Johanne Lund Fagervoll (22). Photo: Private

Many don’t pay attention

– Covid has hit Liverpool very hard and it has been hard on the music industry. It is not possible for us to play concerts now, which also means that it is very difficult financially for musicians, writes Mia Johanne Lund Fagervold (22), who lives and studies in Liverpool.

Now there will be life with strict restrictions.

– Of course it is difficult to think positive and you feel quite claustrophobic. At the same time, I am very lucky to live with one of my closest friends. In general, I feel much more sorry for living during a pandemic here in Liverpool than in Norway.

He finds it boring that he can’t go to the pub.

– At the same time, there is little doubt that some people here do not take into account the restrictions. It is especially evident in bars and on weekends. Socializing is not allowed indoors. It’s a shame not being able to meet friends or work in a studio, he concludes.

PRODUCE MUSIC: – The positive is that I have better time and energy to produce music. The online teaching is very high quality, says Anna Golmen (19) from Kristiansund, who lives in Liverpool. Photo: Private

A lot of infection among the students.

Anna Golmen (19) from Kristiansund also lives in Liverpool, with her boyfriend. She is studying “composition and performance” at LIPA (Liverpool Institute of Performing Arts) in her first year.

When he arrived in the city in August, the stimulus was the use of masks in shops, public transport and other places with high risk of contagion.

– Otherwise, the streets, restaurants and bars were filled and life went normally. During sponsor week, it was good with parties and nightlife, she says.

But then the situation got worse and the city began to close down.

– There has been a lot of infection among the students. Several thousand students come from all over the world, he says.

– I have avoided nightlife for a while, so that the closure does not affect my daily life so much. I am glad to live in a nice apartment with my boyfriend. But several of my friends are not so lucky, in a collective with small or unfamiliar bedrooms, writes Anna Golmen.

Difficult moment

“The coming weeks and months will be difficult,” British Prime Minister Boris Johnson told Parliament.

The new rules to prevent infection will be presented on Wednesday. The system involves three different levels of shutdown, depending on the level of danger:

The measures are divided into “medium”, “high” and “very high”, depending on the severity of the local risk of infection. At the strictest level, families will be prohibited from being with other people inside.

See the fact chart below.

Boris Johnson says he doesn’t want to introduce a new full closure right now.

– It will affect education and the economy. We must act and simplify local rules, says according to Reuters.

During the summer, authorities have tried to stamp out the virus with local regulations. He has created a mosaic of different rules that Johnson now sees a need to simplify.

– I can’t let the virus ravage

Speaking in Parliament on Monday afternoon, the UK Prime Minister said that the virus could not be allowed to roam free and that it would mean an unacceptably high death toll.

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Most low-hazard regions

Johnson says most of the country will be classified as the lowest “medium” hazard level, while most areas that currently have local closure rules will end up in the “high” hazard category.

The category with the “very high” danger level will be applied when the spread of infection is rapid.

In areas classified as high-hazard, bars and pubs will close, Johnson says. There will also be places like gyms and casinos.

CHRISTMAS: Prime Minister Boris Johnson promises a Christmas celebration as normal as possible. – But it depends on how well we succeed with the measures, he says. Photo: PRU

Fear of the elderly

Boris Johnson told parliament that mortality is lower for those under 60, but that the virus remains deadly for the very young.

According to figures from health authorities, coronary heart disease has begun to spread from younger to older and more vulnerable groups.

Promises financial support

Finance Minister Rishi Sunak promises broad support to affected companies and workers.

– Those who will be asked to close need more support. New measures will be presented on Friday. The employer must be able to pay two-thirds of the salary paid by the authorities. This applies to everyone and there will be no break between the old and new rules. The scheme runs until next spring, says the Minister of Finance.

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