– We must realize the defeat – VG


SALES HAVE STOPPED: Joe Prince’s Trump effects sales have been much worse in recent days. After the electoral defeat, everything is sold at half price. Photography: Camilla Svennæs ​​Bergland, VG

PENNSYLVANIA / BUTLER (VG): The state of Pennsylvania decided the harrowing presidential battle. – I’m trying to get past it. It’s over, says Trump supporter Paul of the defeat.

– Everyone is angry and feels robbed. It seems a coincidence that between 75 and 80 percent of the delayed votes were for Biden. It’s a bit “fishy,” says Joe Prince.

VG meets him on the road in conservative Butler County in Pennsylvania, a place Donald Trump visited just before Election Day. Prince is unpacking Trump’s effects and is in the process of cutting his products by half the price.

There has been great excitement for several days as to whether all 20 Pennsylvania voters would go to Joe Biden, which would see Biden exceed the magic limit of 270. On Saturday night Norwegian time, it was clear:

Joe Biden will be the new president of the country. And Kamala Harris will be first woman, answered the vice president in American history.

While VG is visiting, there are several cars in the area honking their horns, some shouting “Biden” as they pass through the store towards the Prince and Trump flags that are visible from several feet away.

– We must realize the defeat. We have no choice, says Prince.

– It’s finished

– We received a liar and a cheater from a president, says Paul and puts down his mobile.

He has taken a break from gardening while he updates on the elections. You have seen the result when VG knows it.

– I feel like I have to move on, says Paul resigned.

– I’m trying to get past it. It’s finished.

Outside of his Butler home, he has erected several Trump posters. He had truly hoped that Pennsylvania’s transitional state was not in Biden’s favor.

Donald Trump named himself president on November 3. Since then, he has also claimed that there has been large-scale electoral fraud and has sued several states. But he has yet to provide proof of his allegations.

– If they put cardboard on the windows and prevent people from seeing what they are doing: Why? What’s up with that? If you get it right, what role does it play if someone follows you? He’s suspicious, says Paul when asked what he thinks about the voter fraud allegations.

Trump has long encouraged his supporters to vote on Election Day, while Biden’s campaign has been concerned that the election is safe for everyone, and has largely encouraged people to vote by mail or by mail. advanced.

Thus, the mail-in votes that have come in in the last few days have largely been votes on Biden.

Paul was at a Trump rally in the county a week ago. He says he has just been invited to a new rally, this time in reaction to defeat. But you haven’t thought about that.

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Historic Kamala Harris

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At the same time, there is a folk festival on the streets of Philadelphia after Biden was named the winner of the election.

In general, the atmosphere is good, and supporters of Trump and Biden are on opposite sides of the square in front of the voting station.

A Trump supporter managed to scale the fence a while ago, passed police and approached Biden supporters on the other side of the plaza. In his hand he had a cry. Then, according to the VG reporter, there was more noise from the crowd.

However, the situation quickly calmed down after police pushed the Trump supporter over the fence.

VG commentators Hanne Skartveit and Anders Giæver have closely followed the election campaign and the tally in the U.S. Both have seen few examples of violent protests and believe that fear of a popular uprising and conditions similar to that have been exaggerated. a civil war after election day.

– I don’t think there’s that much noise. I think Trump supporters and ordinary Republicans gulp and accept defeat, says VG commentator Anders Giæver on the recent podcast.

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