– We don’t have proof yet – VG


LAST PHOTO: Alexei Navalny, tired in the morning, before leaving Tomsk airport on August 20. This selfie is the last photo before he got sick on the plane. Photo: gluchinskiy

Jens Stoltenberg demands an international investigation, Donald Trump believes that there is currently no evidence that Alexei Navalny was poisoned, while Alexander Lukashenko claims to have evidence that he was not poisoned.

While the Russian opposition leader is still in a coma at the Charité hospital in Berlin, and German authorities say tests show that Navalny was poisoned with the neurotoxin novitsjok, different opinions are emerging.

President of the United States Donald Trump answered like this on Navalny’s possible poisoning at his press conference on Friday:

– I think it’s tragic, it’s terrible, it shouldn’t happen. We don’t have any evidence yet, but we will investigate. I’m going to get really mad if that’s correct.

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Then the president continued:

– It’s interesting that everyone is constantly talking about Russia … but I probably think that China is the nation that should be talking about now. Because what China is doing is much worse, Trump said, and he started talking about the coronavirus.

– But you keep asking about Russia, not China.

The controversial president of Belarus has also jumped into the Navalny case. Aleksandr Lukashenko claims that Belarusian intelligence has intercepted communications between Germany and Poland claiming that Navalny was not poisoned and that the German accusations are cheating.

Putin’s spokesman Dmitry Peskov said on Friday that the Russian intelligence service, the FSB, had received the information from Belarus and would now consider it. Peskov did not say anything specific about what it will be about.

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“The FSB will probably brief Putin on whatever comes to their minds,” Peskov said.

Belarusian television announced on Friday night what these audio recordings are supposed to be. A voice from Berlin says:

– Everything is going according to plan … The material on Navalny is ready and turned over to the Chancellor’s administration. We are waiting for your statement.

The recording also says that no proof of poisoning is necessary, because “in war everything is law.”

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After meeting with NATO ambassadors on Friday, Jens Stoltenberg reiterated his condemnation of what he believes to be the Navalny poisoning.

“It is not only an attack on an individual, but also on human rights and the opportunity to be in the opposition in Russia,” said the NATO secretary general.

Stoltenberg demanded an independent international investigation into what happened when Navalny fell ill while returning to Moscow from a trip to Siberia:

– The Russian government must cooperate fully with the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons in an impartial international investigation.

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– Those responsible must be held accountable and appear in court.

At the same time, Stoltenberg did not want to speculate on possible sanctions against Russia.

The Russian authorities do not understand the poisoning allegations. Doctors at Omsk Hospital, where Navalny was staying for the first few days, say they found no toxins in the samples.

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