– We do not hesitate to give an opinion – VG


MOSS / OSLO (VG) More than 400 have been quarantined after a new outbreak in Moss. No later than Sunday, the municipality experienced that someone lied to them about close contacts.

On Sunday morning, the municipality reported 18 new cases of infection, which is the most recorded in a single day.

During the afternoon, there have been six other positive test results, for which a total of 36 cases of infection have been recorded in the municipality of Moss in the last week.

More than 400 people are in quarantine.

The municipal chief doctor in Moss Kristian Krogshus says that 31 of the infection cases are in the same infection group. The other five cases of infection are related to travel abroad.

– It may appear that several have been infected by your presence in a smaller private meeting, he says.

INFECTIONS GROUP: During Sunday’s press conference, Moss Medical Director Kristian Krogshus said 31 of the cases belong to the same group. Photo: Fredrik Varfjell, NTB

Not everyone is honest with us

One thing that makes infection detection challenging is that not everyone infected is honest with the infection detection team, says both the mayor and the Moss municipal chief.

– It’s a shame that someone isn’t honest with us. 99.5 percent are very aware and desperate to know who they may have infected. So there are very few people who try to lie, says Kroghus.

He explains that lying about where he has been and who he has met is not productive for anyone, as it is quickly discovered.

– We are calling more people. If a person in a group or class says they were not there and there, it is discovered because we asked others who were there.

Notify border authorities

The municipal chief says that no later than Sunday they had a case where they experienced that a person was not honest with the infection monitoring team.

– We took a person in a lie, and then we clearly said that if he is not honest with us now, we will review him. I have yet to get feedback from infection trackers, but I think it has been resolved.

Kroghus says they also had a case where someone was quarantined, but said they couldn’t because they were going to fly the next day.

-Then we were clear that if you intend to complete that trip, we will notify the border authorities, he says.

The municipal chief says the people in question stayed home.

Mayor Tollerud believes that most mosses are good and obedient, but is very clear that lying will not be tolerated.

– The whole system is trust. We depend on the truth and have zero tolerance for dishonesty. We do not hesitate to report if someone is not honest in complying with the infection traces.

Also during the outbreak in Trondheim, the infection tracking team discovered incorrect information from potential close contacts: Several guests at restaurants had written dog and cat names, as well as fake phone numbers on registration forms, writes NRK.

ZERO TOLERANCE: Moss Mayor Hanne Tollerud (Labor Party) is aware that violations of the Communicable Disease Act, such as lying to tracers, will be reported. Photo: Fredrik Varfjell, NTB

Does not enter measurements

Tracing the infection has revealed that new cases of infection may be related to private meetings and trips abroad. On Sunday, Krogshus met with FHI to assess what measures should be introduced. The answer was no.

– We have looked to see if there are measures that would have helped to prevent this outbreak, and it is not, says the municipal chief to VG.

Closing nightclubs, limiting opening hours or reducing the number of participants in events had not prevented this outbreak, is the conclusion of the meeting with NIPH.

– The only thing that could have had an effect would have been to prohibit people from meeting in private, but it would have been a disproportionately intrusive measure for a municipality of 50,000, says Krogshus.

– There are enough people who already feel lonely, and the inhabitants need to get to know each other.

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Krogshus recalls that the most important measures now are to keep your distance, stay home if you are sick, get tested and comply with quarantine.

Now we are completely dependent on people keeping their distance, even from family members they don’t live with, Tollerud says.

The 36 cases of infection have led to about 400 people being quarantined. The mayor tells VG that now it is a matter of everyone having to limit the number of close contacts.

– Now I myself have reviewed the calendar, both public and private, and have seen which events should be canceled. You get a lot of close contacts when you go to the movies, a concert, and a restaurant dinner.

– It is about putting one foot on the ground, seeing what you have to participate in and thinking that there are people who are more affected during this pandemic, says Tollerud.

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31 of the contagion cases can be linked to private meetings, and it highlights that there is little sporadic contagion in the city.

– We have an organization that is now well equipped to handle these types of outbreaks, so we can effectively map who have been close contacts and should be in quarantine, and follow up on them.

Tollerud believes that the fact that the infection can be traced mainly to private gatherings emphasizes the importance of following infection control rules, even with those closest to you.

– Now we completely depend on people to keep their distance, even from family members you don’t live with, he says.

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