Wanted witness reported after child rape in Trondheim – VG


WITNESS: The police called the witness moving down the street during the period that the incident is said to have occurred. The witness has now informed the police. Photo: Trøndelag Police District

Police launched an investigation after a boy was touched by a stranger on his way home from school on Friday.

The boy managed to free himself and then ran home, notifying his parents. Police were notified of the incident on Friday at 2:40 p.m.

– We take this incident very seriously. This has happened in a residential area during the day before a child is heading home from school. We have put all available resources into the investigation, says Bente Bøklepp, a lawyer for the Trøndelag police district police in a press release.

Adressa was the first to mention the case.

Police came out on Saturday with a photo of a witness who was said to have been on the street during the time the incident is said to have occurred. They asked the person to report to the police, as the person could sit on relevant information.

– The witness has testified. The person in question has witness status, Bøklepp told Adresseavisen at 3:45 PM on Saturday.

There are no suspects in the case

– The police have no information that this is more than an individual episode, and we have not been notified that others have been exposed to the same, says Bøklepp.

He claims that no one currently has the status of a suspect in the case.

– The police have launched an investigation and are now working with witness interviews, area surveys and other technical investigations, says police lawyer Bente Bøklepp in the Trøndelag police district.

– Therefore, we encourage parents at the precautionary principle to be a little vigilant, he says.

She says the case is being followed by both the police and other agencies.

– The child is well cared for, the police lawyer tells VG.

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