Violent result of Siv and Sylvi: –


«We must unite against attacks on freedom of thought and enlightenment. My thoughts go out to the victim’s loved ones, colleagues and students.»

So commented Prime Minister Erna Solberg about the murder of a teacher in a Paris suburb on Friday. The teacher, Samuel Paty, was beheaded and killed for displaying cartoons of Muhammad in a classroom.

At FRP, there is a strong reaction to the fact that Solberg does not emphasize freedom of expression in his comments. Protecting freedom of thought is not enough, according to Frp. Both party leader Siv Jensen and Vice President Sylvi Listhaug are attacking the prime minister on Facebook today:

“WHAT IS ERNA DRIVING WITH?” the two write synchronous posts on their respective Facebook profiles.

“We must never take freedom of speech for granted. We are constantly reminded that the last thing we need is cowardly politicians who don’t dare to defend Norwegian values. Time to get the magazine out of your mouth to say it like it is, Erna.” FRP leaders continue.

Thousands manifest

Thousands manifest

– Very disappointed in Erna.

For Dagbladet, Listhaug deepens his dissatisfaction with his former boss.

– It is very special that the government does not use the word that describes what it is about: Freedom of expression. Freedom of thought is not a word you have heard before in this context. All people have freedom of thought, currently there is no machine that can read our minds, we can have them for ourselves. But there are many people in the world who cannot express themselves freely, Listhaug tells Dagbladet.

– I also note that the government completely avoids pointing out that this is an Islamist terrorist attack on a teacher. I am simply very disappointed in Erna Solberg and the government, adds the country’s former Justice Minister.

– Do you support Norwegian teachers if they want to use Muhammad cartoons to teach about freedom of expression?

– It depends on each teacher, but it is very basic that Norwegian teachers who want to use Muhammad cartoons have every right to do so. It would have been interesting to know more about how to teach about freedom of expression, it’s an incredibly important topic that perhaps more people, also in politics, might need a refresher, says Listhaug.

DEFEND THE BUDGET: Prime Minister Erna Solberg believes this is a social budget presented by the government on October 7. Video: Hans Arne Vedlog, reporter Steinar Suvatne
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Response from Erna: – Hesitation

Prime Minister Erna Solberg responds by calling the criticism “nonsense.”

– I have condemned the Islamist terrorist murder of Samuel Paty. It was not only an egregious attack on the victim, but also an attack on democracy, freedom of speech and our democratic values, Solberg told Dagbladet.

– In a comment on Twitter, I wrote that we must unite against attacks on freedom of thought and enlightenment. Many have taken it to mean that I don’t think this was also an attack on free speech. It’s silly, he adds.

– FUNNY !: Terje Viken has Sylvi Listhaug painted naked on her motorcycle. This is how Listhaug himself reacts to the trick. Video: Dagbladet TV
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Attack Jensen’s premise

The Prime Minister says she defends freedom of expression anytime, anywhere and before anyone.

Even when the statements are perceived as offensive to a religion.

– I do not agree with the premise that if you do not explicitly list everything that you are for, then you are against, says Solberg.

It points out that freedom of thought and freedom of expression are “inextricably linked”.

– Without freedom of thought, without freedom of expression, of information. Therefore, this attack was also an attack on freedom of expression, says the Prime Minister.
