– Vile Donald Trump Tape! – VG


ACCEPT THE OFFER: Bruce Springsteen isn’t known for having a lot for the acting president, which he happily repeats about VG’s questions. Here he is photographed during a gala in New York in January of this year. Photo: PETER FOLEY / EPA

Bruce Springsteen (71) is clear in his speech before the US presidential elections: – Ok, Donald Trump will lose! It’s number one, and you heard it for the first time here.

At a Zoom meeting where Bruce Springsteen was interviewed by Edith Bowman with a score of journalists present as digital flies, the rock legend thus responded to VG’s direct question about how he evaluated the upcoming elections, which may be one of the most important in American history. :

– Okay, Donald Trump will lose! It’s number one, and you heard it first. Joe Biden will win. And our national nightmare will … I don’t know if it’s over, but it’s going to go away. I’m sure he won’t be re-elected for a second term, Springsteen replied.

The background to the Zoom reunion is, of course, Springsteen’s upcoming album, “Letter To You,” which will be released on October 23rd. In this sense, a score of journalists were invited to a digital conversation where VG was able to follow Edith Bowman interviewing Bruce Springsteen about how the new album with the accompanying documentary has emerged.

Finally, Bowman asked Springsteen some pre-selected and submitted questions. It was clear that VG’s question brought up political activist Bruce Springsteen.

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– I don’t know if the nonsense will stop. But I want to see a flood of votes for Joe Biden, so that the nonsense is not repeated around the election itself and we have to wait a couple more months to find out who won. That is my prayer. But I believe America will stand together as a united nation regardless of the tense situation and the differences among some of our population groups at this time, Springsteen said.

He is concerned that both the United States and the rest of the world must look up and forward.

High level of anticipated conflict

Before the historic first debate between Biden and Trump in late September, experts predicted a high level of conflict. This proved in every possible way to be a correct prediction.

Interruptions, bullshit, and gossip marked the first debate to a great extent, with the two candidates throwing themselves squarely at each other’s necks. It also didn’t take long for moderator Chris Wallace to ask President Trump to remain silent. Biden was also so frustrated that he finally asked Trump to “shut up.”

This was so bad that the Committee on Presidential Debates is now taking action and will therefore ensure a more structured form of debate in the future.

HARD TO MODERATE: President Chris Wallace had a very demanding job organizing an orderly first debate between President Donald Trump and rival candidate Joe Biden in late September. Photo: Reuters

– I think it’s mostly a minority of people who support during the hysteria. Personally, I think a lot of positive things are happening, like Black Lives Matters, which is a very positive movement, and when the peaceful movements that march for their rights turn into violent clashes, it is not good for anyone. If you look at the size and number of peace marches around the world, you think they are essentially peaceful.

But Springsteen also emphasized that the history of his own country makes it challenging for some groups in terms of civil rights.

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– You cannot live in a society where you, if you are of color, can risk being shot at any time, due to a minor infraction or because you are in the wrong place at the wrong time. It’s time for this to stop, said Springsteen, who refused to put aside the harsh words about President Donald Trump entirely.

– The far-right movement has flourished because Donald Trump has created an atmosphere that gives it a new confidence in itself. I think they’ll go back under the stone they came from when it’s about to disappear. I still have a lot of faith in the American people and the American idea.

Systematic difference

When racism was discussed in the presidential debate in September, Biden said that in the United States there is a systematic difference between how blacks and whites are treated in the legal system. He added that the vast majority of police officers are good people, but there are some who are not, and something must be done about it.

Trump, for his part, believed that Biden is not in favor of law and order, and that cities run by Democrats are much more violent than others.

– Yes, I am for law and order, where people are treated fairly, Biden said.

The host noted that there has also been a rise in crime in Republican-led cities.

For the record, Springsteen expressed the same opinion about Donald Trump, before the 2016 presidential election. To Britain’s Chanel 4 News, he was told, among other things, that Donald Trump is toxic.

– He’s going to lose and he knows it, Springsteen said four years ago.

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