Viken challenges Guldvog and FHI


On Saturday night, the county council leader in Viken County Township Tonje Brenna (Labor Party) told Dagbladet that they support her decision to introduce a level of red initiative in all upper secondary schools and the digital home teaching for many county students.

– I think we did what they told us. The government greatly emphasized the seriousness of the situation and asked everyone to contribute. We try to do it through the companies we run, Brenna tells Dagbladet.

COVID-19: These are the symptoms of the coronavirus, which since December 2019 has spread from China and around the world. The outbreak is classified as a pandemic. SOURCES: WHO, FHI, NHI and FIXED PHOTO: NTB Scanpix. VIDEO: Switch to Vellene.
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This is despite the fact that the Norwegian Directorate of Health, the Norwegian Institute of Public Health and the Norwegian Directorate of Education stated earlier in the evening that they had sent a joint letter to the county governors stating that the Red measures should only be introduced in upper secondary schools in municipalities with high levels of infection. measurements.

The letter emphasizes that the Red Initiative level is not the same as homeschool, regardless of the field of study in upper secondary school. All students must be offered tuition in school, the health authorities write in the letter.

WHEN: In this way, the vaccine, which is in development, can stop the coronavirus. Video from AP. Journalist: Mars Nyløkken Helseth / Dagbladet TV. 03.17.2020.
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Regionally and locally

Furthermore, health authorities state that the red level of measures cannot be introduced as a regional measure. Instead, it is a measure that can be introduced in neighboring municipalities and municipalities where people move between municipalities.

The government has recommended that municipalities in the Oslo work and life region introduce a red level of measures in upper secondary schools. This also applies to Ullensaker, Drammen and Bergen. The Norwegian Health Directorate and the National Institute of Public Health consider the measure to be disproportionate in other regions or counties.

FAKTISK.NO: The fact-checkers at with information on how long coronavirus can survive on surfaces and textiles.
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The bay explains

Viken County Council Leader Tonje Brenna explains that they would have preferred to have the students in the schools. At the same time, he notes that the government recommended to the living and working Oslo region to introduce a red level of measures in upper secondary schools.

– This means that the rule of the meter must be observed in all situations. Drive greater use of digital teaching. The director has the authority to adapt how this should be done, and we have full confidence that our directors do it in a good way, Brenna tells Dagbladet and continues:

– It is a theoretical exercise that high school students must maintain a distance of one meter between them. It is not possible to do that, and it was demanding in all our schools, even when we had the so-called yellow level. Therefore, our assessment is that it will be this way for a period, but that it is a goal that as many students as possible during a period have the opportunity to receive some education at school. This must be adapted locally.

INSIDE: Liverpool profile Alex Oxlade-Chamberlain and his girlfriend Perrie Edwards have shared a video of their home quarantine of volunteers. This is what it looks like.
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Buses full of people

Brenna also claims that they have been notified that the school buses are too full and that their actions take this into account.

– The government said at a press conference the same day that it would be stricter for public transport, including school transport. The guide should be revised to take stricter measures. Our students ride entire buses to and from school. With stricter rules for public transportation, you will have trouble providing adequate school transportation in Viken. Our municipalities, students and schools report that the buses are too full. We take it seriously.
